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Effects of probiotics on the severity of experimental acute pancreatitis



This study was designed to evaluate the effects of probiotics on the severity of experimental acute pancreatitis.


Experimental study.


Experiments were done in a laboratory at Haydarpasa Numune Teaching and Research Hospital.


A total of 50 Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups.


Group 1 was control group. Group 2 received an intraperitoneal injection of a 20% solution in 0.15 mol/l NaCL. Group 3 was injected NaCL and fed with probiotics. Acute pancreatitis was induced in rats by intrperitoneal injection of L-Arginine in groups 4 and 5. The rats in group 5 were treated with probiotics. The pancreas was removed for histologic examination. Evaluation of the pathologic changes was done by a new combined histopathologic grading scale.


The mean scores of fibrosis, acinar cell loss, oedema, parenchymal necrosis, mononuclear cells infiltration, polymorphonuclear leucocytes infiltration, ductal damage and atypical reactive regeneration in group 5 were significantly lower than group 4.


We demonstrated that enteral feedings with added probiotics can reduce the severity of acute pancreatitis.



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Muftuoglu, M., Isikgor, S., Tosun, S. et al. Effects of probiotics on the severity of experimental acute pancreatitis. Eur J Clin Nutr 60, 464–468 (2006).

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