Manual of temporomandibular disorders

  • E. F. Wright
UK: Blackwell price £59.50, pp 354 ISBN 0813807522 | ISBN: 0-813-80752-2

This is a valuable addition to the library of texts on the subject of aetiology, diagnosis and management of temporomandibular disorders.

Although written from an American viewpoint (such as in the use of specific drug names) this text uses terminology familiar to European readers. In this way it provides a refreshing and up to date review of current concepts of management of patients with such conditions.

In the introduction the author states his objectives as being to fill a void by providing a book that: is written for the 'average' reader; is based on an evidence- based and multidisciplinary approach; teaches differential diagnosis of this condition; and identifies patients who are beyond the scope of most dentists. He goes on to fulfil this ambition.

The 19 chapters are set out in a reader friendly way and include 'Quick Consult' practical information points and 'Focal Points' of factual information. 'Technical Tips' suggest ways of handling some diverse clinical situations and guide the reader towards appreciating the significance of symptoms deriving from different sources.

Chapter 2, which outlines a suggested 'Initial Patient Questionnaire', is comprehensive and valuable, but an example of a Clinical Assessment Form would have been equally instructive.

The author adopts a refreshing and practical assessment of the relative value of investigations and suggests for instance that: 'practitioners should image only if there is a reasonable expectation that the additional information will influence a patient's treatment approach.'

'The text explores a wide range of treatment modalities and supports the use of appliance therapy as a substantial part of therapeutic treatment. Although the particular design of some examples are not what we are used to prescribing, the underlying principles are in line with currently accepted theory.

There is a (mostly) useful series of appendices which is downloadable from the internet via which interested readers might find worthwhile to peruse.

The book is well illustrated in colour and will be of interest to those who want to keep up to date with current thoughts on TMD, practitioners who have a special interest in the subject and to all dentists who wish to expand their knowledge.