
Mattos CT, Vilani GNL et al. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011; doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2011.06.020

Does orthognathic surgery cause obstructive sleep apnoea? Although not exploring this question, this meta-analysis looked at pharyngeal dimensional changes following orthognathic surgery. Such changes are a putative co-morbidity factor for obstructive sleep apnoea. The data from 13 studies were pooled for this meta-analysis. There is moderate evidence that there is a 'significant decrease in the oropharyngeal airway in mandibular setback surgery (and), a milder decrease in bimaxillary surgery to correct Class III'. Not only have pharyngeal dimensional changes associated with orthognathic surgery been explored, but recently investigators have looked for such changes after orthodontic treatment. In adult orthodontic patients with bimaxillary protrusion, it has been reported that 'pharyngeal airway size became narrower' following extraction of four premolar teeth and retraction of incisors.