
The emergence of novel cross-coupling effects generated by multiple order parameters in a wide range of materials has provided new perspectives into the interactions that occur in condensed matter systems1,2. Prominent examples are magnetoelectric and multiferroic materials where the cross-coupling between electric and magnetic properties has driven intense research to explore fundamental mechanisms responsible for the intrinsic magnetoelectric effects3,4,5,6,7,8,9. The primary focus of research activity in this field has on the emergence of ferroelectricity from different types of exotic magnetic orders and its dependence on applied magnetic fields. Some studies have emphasized also the potential of these materials in applications such as magnetoelectric memory and sensors by engineering their cross-coupling effects10,11,12,13. Despite the fact that quite a few magnetoelectric or multiferroic materials are known to us, it is still desired to discover new materials with stronger magnetoelectric coupling for enhancing the feasibility of utilizing their functionalities in device applications.

Materials composed of two-dimensional honeycomb lattices have been investigated due to possible occurrence of intriguing physical phenomena such as quantum spin liquid state14,15,16 and electronic state with Dirac-like linear dispersion17,18,19. The antiferromagnet of Co4Nb2O9 has recently been in focus for its linear magnetoelectric behavior6,7,20,21,22. Co4Nb2O9 crystallizes in a trigonal P\(\overline{3}\)c1 structure with two different types of honeycomb layers stacked alternately along the c axis. In the single crystalline Co4Nb2O9, grown by a floating zone method23, antiferromagnetic order sets in below TN ≈ 27 K, concurrently with a linear magnetoelectric effect in applied magnetic fields24,25,26. A magnetic structure was observed as lowered monoclinic symmetry21 and the presence of off-diagonal elements in the magnetoelectric tensor suggests the formation of toroidal moments27,28,29.

Further studies of the magnetoelectric effect in honeycomb lattices were done on the isostructural compound Co4Ta2O9 (CTO)6,30,31. In CTO, the antiferromagnetic order emerges at TN ≈ 20 K, simultaneously with the appearance of a dielectric anomaly and a ferroelectric polarization in applied magnetic fields. Until now, it has been believed that below TN, the ferroelectric polarization in CTO increases monotonously under increasing applied magnetic fields, similar to that in Co4Nb2O920,21,22. However, these studies were performed only on polycrystalline samples, in which the physical properties are averaged out over all spatial directions due to a large number of grains of varying orientations. To overcome this challenge, we grew single crystals of CTO by utilizing the conventional flux method32. Despite an antiferromagnetic order of CTO on buckled-honeycomb lattices, similar to the magnetic structure of Co4Nb2O921, the single crystalline CTO reveals strongly nonlinear magnetoelectric effect which is unique among A4B2O9 (A = Co, Fe, Mn and B = Nb, Ta) compounds20,30,33,34,35,36. This suggests the existence of two different polarization components originating from inequivalent Co2+ sublattices. Our nontrivial discovery calls for further experimental and theoretical studies to reveal the underlying microscopic mechanism.

Results and discussion

CTO crystallizes in a trigonal P\(\overline{3}\)c1 structure with unit cell dimensions of a = 0.517 nm, and c = 1.413 nm, obtained from the single crystal X-ray diffraction experiment (see Supplementary Information S1 for details). The crystallographic structures viewed from the top and side are depicted in Fig. 1a,b, respectively. Two dissimilar types of honeycomb layers are stacked alternatingly along the c axis. One layer consists of six edge-shared CoO6 octahedra in the same plane, while the other consists of corner-shared octahedra buckled in a zig-zag arrangement around the ring20. Recent neutron diffraction measurements on single crystals of CTO37 reveal a consistent result with the magnetic order shown in Fig. 1a,b when assuming a collinear arrangement of Co2+ moments. Considering the centrosymmetric trigonal structure with three-fold rotational symmetry about the c axis combined with two types of 180°-oriented antiferromagnetic domains leads to the possible formation of six types of 60°-oriented antiferromagnetic domains.

Figure 1
figure 1

Crystallographic structure and temperature (T) dependence of magnetic properties. (a,b) Views of the crystal structure of Co4Ta2O9 (a space group P\(\overline{3}\)c1, No. 165) with the Co2+ moments in a selected magnetic domain from the top (a) and the side (b). Orange and pink spheres with arrows represent two inequivalent Co2+ ions and their spin directions, and light grey and yellow spheres denote nonmagnetic Ta5+ and O2− ions, respectively. The grey box with the rhombic cross-section represents the crystallographic unit cell. (c) T dependence of magnetic susceptibility, χ = M/H, at magnetic field H = 0.1 T applied along the three inequivalent crystallographic orientations a, b* and c. (d) T dependence of specific heat divided by the temperature, C/T, measured at H = 0 T. A dashed grey line indicates the Néel temperature, TN = 20.5 K.

To examine the magnetic properties of CTO, the T dependence of the magnetic susceptibility, χ = M/H, was measured at H = 0.1 T upon warming after zero-field-cooling. The anisotropic χ, obtained for the H along the three distinguishable axes a, b*, and c, are shown in Fig. 1c. For the two orthogonal in-plane orientations, a and b*, the χ exhibits a sharp anomaly at TN ≈ 20.5 K, indicating the emergence of antiferromagnetic order. The T dependence of C/T measured at zero H also shows a distinct anomaly at TN (Fig. 1d). Above TN, the χ for the two in-plane orientations decreases smoothly with T with nearly identical shapes. On the other hand, a weak anomaly at TN is observed in the χ for the c axis.

The overall T dependence of χ, compared between in-plane and out-of-plane orientations, shows strong magnetic anisotropy, suggesting the in-plane antiferromagnetic alignment of Co2+ spins. The shape of χ curve for a and b* axes are different below TN and the faster decrease of χ for the a axis upon lowering T is observed because the spins in two types of the antiferromagnetic domains align along this axis. As T is further decreased, a sudden increase of χ occurs at TC = 6.5 K. The characteristics of this transition were investigated in detail by AC χ measurement, which indicates the formation of a new phase such as a weakly ferromagnetic or/and glass state (see Supplementary Information S2 for details).

The isothermal M for the three inequivalent orientations was measured up to ± 9 T at T = 2 K, as shown in Fig. 2a. The M along the a direction (Ma) shows a broad bending at a low H regime. Upon increasing H further, the Ma increases monotonously and reaches 3.7 μB/f.u. at 9 T. The Mb* exhibits a similar H dependence to the Ma; however, the magnetic moment at 9 T is found to be ~ 3.9 μB/f.u., which is slightly larger than that of the Ma. As manifested as the change in slope shown in the magnified plot of the Ma (Fig. 2b), the spin-flop transition occurs at HC ≈ 0.3 T for an applied field along both a and b* axes due to the angular distribution of antiferromagnetic domains. The spin structures below and above the spin-flop transition are displayed in Fig. 2c. Note that this result is different from the previous results on polycrystalline samples, where the spin-flop transition occurs at a higher H of ~ 0.9 T, possibly due to the averaging effect over grain orientations31. On the other hand, the Mc increases almost linearly up to 9 T resulting in a magnetic moment of ~ 2.1 μB/f.u. at 9 T, consistent with the strong magnetic anisotropy observed in the T dependence of anisotropic χ (Fig. 1c).

Figure 2
figure 2

Anisotropic isothermal magnetization for Co4Ta2O9. (a) Isothermal magnetization, M, measured at 2 K in the H range of ± 9 T along the a, b* and c axes. (b) Magnified plot of M for the a direction. Short-dotted vertical lines indicate spin-flop transitions occurring at HC ≈ ± 0.3 T. (c) Antiferromagnetic spin structure of Co2+ ions at H = 0 T (Top). Magnetic structure of Co2+ moments above the spin-flop transition, H > HC along the a axis (bottom).

The anisotropic characteristics of magnetoelectric properties were examined through the T dependence of P for the a, b*, and c axes. The magnitude of P was obtained by integrating the pyroelectric current density measured after poling in an electric field along the direction of P and H up to 9 T for the three different orientations, as shown in Fig. 3. Interestingly, the P emerges dominantly along the a axis below TN (Pa, Fig. 3a–c) with an unusual T dependence upon increasing H. The other components of P do not vanish (Pb* and Pc, Fig. 3d–i) similar to the T dependence of P in Co4Nb2O921. In detail, Fig. 3b shows the T-dependence of Pa at H = 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 T along the b* axis (Hb*). The Pa at Hb* = 1 T starts from a negative value of − 13.2 μC/m2 at 2 K, increases monotonously to zero upon increasing T, and disappears at TN. At Hb* = 3 T, Pa exhibits the largest negative value of − 32.2 μC/m2 at 2 K and crosses zero Pa at approximately 15 K. A similar trend of change in the sign of Pa is observed at Hb* = 5 T with an upward shift in the overall magnitude of Pa. The Pa at Hb* = 7 and 9 T retains positive values throughout the whole T range below TN, and shows its maximum magnitude of 55.9 μC/m2 at 2 K and Hb* = 9 T. This strongly nonlinear magnetoelectric behavior is also observed in Pa at different values of Ha (Fig. 3a). At Ha = 1 T, the Pa is very small in magnitude and shows the negligible T dependence. The values of Pa at Ha = 3, 5, and 7 T are all negative at low temperatures. In contrast to the case of an in-plane H, the Pa under an applied Hc tends to increase gradually as Hc is increased, maintaining a positive value throughout the entire range of T below TN (Fig. 3c). The Pa at Hc = 9 T and 2 K is found to be 78.7 μC/m2 (Fig. 3c), which is approximately twice that of Pa = 34.9 μC/m2 at Ha = 9 T and 2 K (Fig. 3a).

Figure 3
figure 3

Temperature dependence of the anisotropic ferroelectric polarization. (ac) T dependence of Pa obtained by integrating the pyroelectric current after poling from 100 to 2 K in at Ha, Hb*, and Hc, respectively. Pa was measured at H = 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 T. (df) T dependence of Pb* measured at Ha = 9 T, Hb*, and Hc, respectively. (gi) T dependence of Pc measured at Ha = 9 T, Hb*, and Hc, respectively.

Figure 4a shows the T-dependence of dielectric constant for E//a (εa'), measured at Hb* = 9 T and f = 100 kHz. The εa' at 9 T exhibits a very sharp peak at 20.02 K with a 2.8% change in its magnitude (at the peak maximum). The sharpness of the peak at 9 T is characterized by the very small full width at half maximum (FWHM) estimated to be only 0.08 K, which indicates a good crystal quality. As H is decreased, the peak of εa' shifts progressively to a higher T with a gradual reduction of the peak height (Fig. 4b) and almost disappears at 4 T. At 5 T, a tiny peak in εa', with only 0.27% change in the overall magnitude, occurs at 20.37 K.

Figure 4
figure 4

Dielectric constant along the a axis at Hb* with f = 100 kHz. (a) T dependence of dielectric constant, εa', below 35 K at Hb* = 9 T. (b) T dependence of εa' in a narrow range of T near TN at Hb* = 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 T.

The nonlinear behavior of P and the intricate relationship between magnetic and electric properties in CTO were examined in detail by comparing the H dependence of P, M, and ε' at 2 K. The isothermal Pa was obtained by integrating the magnetoelectric current density, measured by sweeping the Hb* between 9 and  − 9 T at 2 K after poling in Hb* = 9 T and Ea = 4.72 kV/cm, as shown in Fig. 5a. Starting from the maximum value of Pa = 52.5 μC/m2 at 9 T, the Pa decreases upon decreasing Hb* and becomes zero at 6.3 T. As Hb* is decreased further, the Pa shows a broad minimum at 3.2 T with Pa =  − 27.5 μC/m2. Below HC ≈ 0.3 T, Pa disappears. Further decrease in H in the negative direction leads to the antisymmetric H dependence of the Pa. The sweeping of Hb* from − 9 to + 9 T completes the isothermal Pa curve, showing negligible magnetic hysteresis. In Fig. 5b, the magnetodielectric (MD) effect, described by the variation of εa' by applying Hb* and defined as MDa (%) = \(\frac{{\varepsilon^{\prime}\left( H \right) - \varepsilon^{\prime}\left( {0 {\text{T}}} \right)}}{{\varepsilon^{\prime}\left( {0 {\text{T}}} \right)}} \times 100\), was measured up to ± 9 T at f = 100 kHz and T = 2 K. The initial curve of MDa exhibits a slight curvature at low Hb* regime and the maximum slope at HC ≈ 0.3 T. Above HC, the MDa reduces more gradually which becomes almost linear above Hb* = 1.5 T. The maximum variation of MDa is found to be approximately − 0.36% at 9 T. The full MDa curve appears to be symmetric because the direction of Pa is indistinguishable in the AC excitation of Ea for the εa' measurement. For a precise comparison with the MDa, the Hb* derivative of isothermal Mb*, dMb*/dHb* at 2 K is also plotted in Fig. 5c. The dMb*/dHb* increases linearly up to HC and reveals a kink at HC, after which it begins to decrease. To elucidate the Ha and Hc dependences of Pa (Fig. 3a,c), the detailed field dependent behaviors as Fig. 5 are also included in the Supplementary Information S3.

Figure 5
figure 5

Comparison of electric and magnetic properties. (a) Hb* dependence of Pa at T = 2 K. (b) Hb* dependence of the magnetodielectric effect along the a axis, MDa (%) = \(\frac{{\varepsilon^{\prime}\left( H \right) - \varepsilon^{\prime}\left( {0 {\text{T}}} \right)}}{{\varepsilon^{\prime}\left( {0 {\text{T}}} \right)}} \times 100\), measured with AC excitation of Ea = 1 V at f = 100 kHz and T = 2 K. (c) Hb* derivative of Mb* at 2 K.

The T evolution of strongly nonlinear magnetoelectric effect in CTO is presented, which shows that the major features are preserved at 10 K above TC = 6.5 K. Figure 6 shows the comparison among isothermal Pa, Mb*, and dMb*/dH b* at Mb* up to ± 9 T and T = 5, 10, 15, and 20 K below TN. At 5 K, the overall Hb* dependences of Pa and Mb* tend to behave akin to those at 2 K (Figs. 2a, 5a). In comparison with the Pa at 2 K, the maximum value of Pa at 5 K and 9 T reduces slightly to 45.1 μC/m2 (Fig. 6a) and the Mb* at 9 T also decreases to ~ 3.72 μB/f.u. (Fig. 6e). Upon decreasing Hb*, a broad minimum of the Pa (= − 31.8 μC/m2) occurs at 3.1 T (Fig. 6a) and the dMb*/dHb* at 5 K reveals kinks at HC =  ± 0.3 T (Fig. 6i), consistent with the plateau region within HC in the Pa curve (Fig. 6a). At 10 K, the broad minimum of Pa occurs at 2.9 T with a significantly reduced value of − 8.1 μC/m2 (Fig. 6b). However, the maximum value of Pa = 58.9 μC/m2 at 9 T is found to be the largest despite the slight decrease of Mb* (~ 3.64 μB/f.u., Fig. 6f). At 15 K, the regime of nearly zero Pa extends up to ± 3.0 T with the absence of the broad minimum (Fig. 6c). At 20 K, the Pa almost disappears (Fig. 6d) throughout the measurement region of Hb* while the Mb* shows a linear increase upon increasing Hb* and finally becomes ~ 3.50 μB/f.u. at 9 T (Fig. 6h).

Figure 6
figure 6

Temperature evolution of ferroelectric polarization and magnetization. (ad) Hb* dependence of ferroelectric polarization (Pa) at T = 5, 10, 15 and 20 K, respectively, obtained by integrating the magnetoelectric current measured changing Hb* at the rate of 0.01 T/s up to ± 9 T after poling in Ea = 4.72 kV/cm and Hb* = 9 T. (eh) Hb* dependence of magnetization (Mb*) at T = 5, 10, 15 and 20 K, respectively, measured up to ± 9 T. (il) Hb* derivative of Mb* at T = 5, 10, 15 and 20 K, respectively.

Distinctive from the linear magnetoelectric behavior in the isostructural Co4Nb2O9, the electric polarization in CTO arises at the spin-flop transition above which strongly nonlinear and antisymmetric field dependence was observed. The linear magnetoelectric response and controllable electric polarization by rotating magnetic fields38 in Co4Nb2O9 have recently been explained by several theoretical works such as the orbital model incorporating local spin–orbit coupling at the site of Co2+ ion39 and symmetry interpretation considering local C3 point group40. In such theoretical analyses, the contributions from two types of magnetic sublattices, which are associated with two dissimilar types of honeycomb layers, to the net electric polarization are not distinguishable. Another theoretical work based on the Hartree–Fock calculations presents a noticeable consequence that each magnetic sublattice produces electric polarization with a different magnitude and direction, each of which varies linearly with the applied magnetic field strength6. The superposition of two different contributions leads to a linear behavior in the total polarization. However, the highly-nonlinear magnetoelectric effect of our CTO in the Pa under Ha and Hb* implies the more intricate contribution of each sublattice to the magnetic-field dependent polarization. In particular, above the spin-flop transition, the dominant negative-polarization arising from one sublattice gives rise to the negative net Pa, but the gradual increase of the positive-polarization from the other sublattice results in the broad minimum and further increase of the net Pa upon increasing the field. Therefore, our results motivate more elaborate theoretical calculations comprising other factors such as additional lattice and magnetic domain contributions, and possible change of magnetic structure driven by electric field poling, which have not been considered in the previous studies.


In summary, we have synthesized single crystals of magnetoelectric Co4Ta2O9 and explored magnetic and magnetoelectric properties along different crystallographic orientations. Despite the presence of several off-diagonal components, the dominant magnetic-field-driven change of polarization occurs for the a axis. More importantly, an antiferromagnetic order below TN = 20.5 K leads to a highly nonlinear magnetoelectric effect above the spin-flop transition for in-plane magnetic fields. This is clearly different from the linear magnetoelectricity in other isostructural compounds, and indicates the complex evolution of polarization components with opposite signs originating from two different Co2+ sublattices. Our results provide insights into fundamental magnetoelectric interactions in the family of the buckled-honeycomb magnetoelectric magnets, paving way for the discovery of novel materials for magnetoelectric functional applications.


Hexagonal plate-like single crystals of CTO were grown by the conventional flux method with NaF, Na2CO3, and V2O5 fluxes in air32. Co3O4, and Ta2O5 powders were mixed in the stoichiometric ratio and ground in a mortar, followed by pelletizing and calcining at 900 °C for 10 h in a box furnace. The calcined pellet was finely reground and sintered at 1,000 °C for 15 h. After regrinding, the same sintering procedure was carried out at 1,100 °C for 24 h. A mixture of pre-sintered polycrystalline powder and fluxes was heated to 1,280 °C in a Pt crucible. It was melted at the soaking T, slowly cooled to 800 °C at a rate of 1 °C/h, and cooled to room T at a rate of 100 °C/h.

The temperature (T) and magnetic-field (H) dependences of the DC magnetization (M) were measured using a vibrating sample magnetometer at T = 2–300 K and H = – 9 to 9 T in a physical properties measurement system (PPMS, Quantum Design, Inc.). The specific heat (C) was measured with the standard relaxation method in the PPMS. The T and H dependences of dielectric constant (ε') were observed at f = 100 kHz using an LCR meter (E4980, Agilent). The T and H dependences of electric polarization (P) was obtained by integrating pyro- and magneto-electric currents, respectively, measured after poling in a static electric field (E).