Addendum to: Nature Protocols Published online 6 January 2023.

In the protocol entitled “A ‘print–pause–print’ protocol for 3D printing microfluidics using multimaterial stereolithography,” we described strategies for fabricating transparent biomicrofluidic devices and multimaterial chips using stereolithographic 3D printing1. Since publication, it has been brought to our attention that the term ‘print–pause–print’ (PPP) for 3D printing was first coined in 2017 by another research lab2. We were unaware of this important work at the time of publication but would like to acknowledge that the term originates from the lab of Professor Dana Spence. Our approaches differ in that (1) we apply PPP to stereolithography 3D printing whereas the Spence lab use it for polyjet 3D printing and (2) we use the “pause” in the PPP method to swap resins, thus enabling multimaterial 3D printing with SLA, whereas the Spence lab use the “pause” to enable the manual insertion of objects in a print. It was remiss of us not to discuss their published work and prior use of the term PPP.