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The social coevolution hypothesis for the origin of enzymatic cooperation


At the start of life, the origin of a primitive genome required individual replicators, or genes, to act like enzymes and cooperatively copy each other. The evolutionary stability of such enzymatic cooperation poses a problem, because it would have been susceptible to parasitic replicators that did not act like enzymes but could still benefit from the enzymatic behaviour of other replicators. Existing hypotheses to solve this problem require restrictive assumptions that may not be justified, such as the evolution of a cell membrane before the evolution of enzymatic cooperation. We show theoretically that, instead, selection itself can lead to replicators grouping themselves together in a way that favours cooperation. We show that the tendency to physically associate with others and cooperative enzymatic activity can coevolve, leading to the evolution of physically linked cooperative replicators. Our results shift the empirical problem from a search for special environmental conditions to questions about what types of phenotypes can be produced by simple replicators.

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Fig. 1: Interactions and fitness effects.
Fig. 2: Coevolution of enzymatic activity and association.

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All code has been made available, along with an implementation of the calculations, in Supplementary Software 1, and is available on GitHub at


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We thank G. Cooper and S. Frank for helpful comments on the manuscript. S.R.L. is supported by The Clarendon Fund, Hertford College and NERC. S.G. is supported by the Leverhulme Trust (visiting professorship grant).

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S.R.L. and S.A.W. conceived of the manuscript. The modelling was carried out by S.R.L. and S.G. All authors contributed equally to the final presentation of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Samuel R. Levin.

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Levin, S.R., Gandon, S. & West, S.A. The social coevolution hypothesis for the origin of enzymatic cooperation. Nat Ecol Evol 4, 132–137 (2020).

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