Correction to: Oncogene 39, 64–78(2019) Article published online 28 August 2019

Following the publication of this article, it was brought to the attention of the authors that dividing lines between lanes 1 and 2 in Fig. 1c were inadvertently omitted. Dividing lines are necessary to indicate that two irrelevant lanes were removed. The addition of dividing lines in the corrected figure does not change the conclusion but provides clarity. The corrected Fig. 1c (left) and the original images (right) are shown below.

Fig. 1c
figure 1

Expression of TGLI1 in MDA-MB-231-TGLI1 mammary fat pad (MFP) xenograft was similar to that found in two breast cancer PDXs, BCM-2174 and BCM-3963. TNBC, triple-negative breast cancer. Western blots were conducted using the TGLI1-specific antibody and a tubulin antibody. Left: western blots. Right: original western blot images.

It was also noted that the source of a cell line was incorrectly stated (page 77; Materials and Methods; first paragraph; 2nd sentence).

This has been corrected to read

“The brain metastatic cell line (SKBRM) and radio-resistant cell lines (SKBRM-RR and 231BRM-RR) were kind gifts from Drs. Fei Xing and Kounosuke Watabe; E6/E7/hTERT immortalized human astrocytes were kind gifts from Dr. Russell Pieper (University of California-San Francisco).”

This has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.