
KFe2As2 is a stoichiometric iron arsenide with a superconducting critical temperature Tc = 4 K. It is a member of the extensively studied 122 family of iron-based superconductors23. Single crystals can be grown with very high purity, making it by far the cleanest of the iron-based superconductors. Its high hole concentration is such that its Fermi surface does not contain the usual electron pocket at the X point (of the unfolded Brillouin zone); it consists mainly of three hole-like cylinders: two located at the zone centre (Γ) and one at the corner (M; Fig. 1a). There is no antiferromagnetic order, but there are antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations, detected by inelastic neutron scattering24. In iron-based superconductors, spin fluctuations generally favour the s± pairing state in which the gap changes sign between hole and electron pockets1,2,3,4 (Fig. 1b). In the absence of the electron pocket at X, this mechanism becomes much less effective, and functional-renormalization-group calculations find that a d-wave state (Fig. 1c) is the most stable state in KFe2As2 (ref. 15). Other theoretical methods find that s± and d-wave states are very close in energy17,18. Experimentally, thermal conductivity studies in KFe2As2 make a compelling case for d-wave symmetry10,11,12,13: line nodes are found to be vertical and present on all Fermi surfaces, and the thermal conductivity is independent of impurity scattering, as expected of symmetry-imposed line nodes25. A d-wave state is also consistent with penetration depth data14. However, in a recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study of KFe2As2, vertical line nodes in the gap were observed on only one of the three Fermi surfaces26. To explain this, a particular kind of s± state was proposed27 where the sign change is between the two Γ-centred hole pockets (Fig. 1d).

Figure 1: Fermi surface of KFe2As2 and possible superconducting states.
figure 1

a, Schematic of the main Fermi surface sheets of KFe2As2, in the kz = 0 plane, shown in the unfolded Brillouin zone (with one Fe per unit cell)3. It consists of two zone-centred hole pockets (h1 and h2) and one hole pocket at M (h3). b, Sketch of the main Fermi surface sheets of K1−xBaxFe2As2, at x = 0.4, with an electron pocket (e) at X (and no hole pocket at M)3. The standard s± pairing state (type I) involves full gaps on each pocket, with a sign change from + on the hole pockets (h1, h2) to − on the electron pocket (e). c, d-wave pairing state16, where the gap changes sign as the azimuthal angle crosses the zone diagonals (dashed lines). This symmetry forces the gap to have nodes (zeros) on all Fermi surface sheets that cut those diagonals (small open circles). d, Illustration of an s± pairing state (type II) where the gap changes sign from + on the inner Γ-centred hole pocket (h1) to − on the outer Γ-centred hole pocket (h2) (see ref. 27).

To help clarify the situation, we have studied the effect of hydrostatic pressure on KFe2As2, by measuring the resistivity and Hall effect in two single crystals, labelled sample A and sample B (Supplementary Information). As seen in Fig. 2a, we find that Tc decreases initially with pressure, as found elsewhere28, but once the pressure is increased above a critical value Pc = 17.5 kbar, it suddenly starts to rise. Tc varies linearly on either side of Pc, producing a V-shaped dependence of Tc on P. This sharp inversion in the effect of pressure on Tc is our central finding, reproduced in both samples (Supplementary Fig. S1). There are two possible mechanisms: a Lifshitz transition, whereby the Fermi surface undergoes a sudden change; or a phase transition with broken symmetry. In Fig. 3a, we see that the Hall coefficient RH in the T = 0 limit remains completely unchanged by pressure, right through Pc (Fig. 3b). A Lifshitz transition, such as the appearance of an electron pocket, would produce a sudden change in RH(0). It can therefore be excluded as a possible cause for the rise of Tc beyond Pc.

Figure 2: Pressure dependence of Tc in KFe2As2.
figure 2

a, Pressure dependence in KFe2As2, with filled circles representing sample A (from colour-coded resistivity data in b,c) and open circles sample B. The critical pressure Pc = 17.5 kbar marks the transition from a decreasing to an increasing Tc. The dashed lines are linear fits to the data within 10 kbar on either side of Pc. b, Isobars of ρ(T) in sample A, normalized to unity at T = 4 K, for three pressures below Pc, as indicated. c, The same as in b, for pressures above Pc, with ρ normalized at T = 2.5 K. Tc is the temperature below which ρ(T) = 0. The relative accuracy on Tc is better than ±2% (Supplementary Fig. S2); the relative uncertainty on the value of pressure is ±0.2 kbar. The grey arrows show how Tc moves with pressure.

Figure 3: Hall coefficient and resistivity of KFe2As2 under pressure.
figure 3

a, Hall coefficient RH of KFe2As2 as a function of temperature, plotted as RH versus T2, measured in sample A for a magnetic field of 13 T along the c axis of the tetragonal lattice, at different values of the applied pressure P, as indicated (see also Supplementary Fig. S4). The lines are linear fits to the data, extrapolated to T = 0 to yield the residual values, RH(0). b, Pressure dependence of RH(0), seen to remain completely unchanged throughout the range investigated. c, Pressure dependence of ρ measured in sample A at T = 20 K, seen to decrease monotonically through Pc. The solid line is a smooth fit through all data points.

We deduce that a phase transition occurs at Pc. Any density-wave or structural transition that breaks translational symmetry would reconstruct the Fermi surface, and cause associated anomalies in the transport properties. Such transitions are therefore ruled out by the absence of any anomaly in RH (Fig. 3b) and in the electrical resistivity ρ (Fig. 3c) at Pc. Note that density-wave phases such as the antiferromagnetic phase in Ba1−xKxFe2As2 with x<0.4 generally compete with superconductivity and so produce a dome-shaped curve of Tc versus P or x (refs 1, 2, 12), not a V-shaped curve as seen here (Fig. 2a). We conclude that what occurs at Pc is not a transition in the normal-state electronic properties, but a transition to a superconducting phase of a different symmetry.

For the phase above Pc, the effect of impurity scattering on Tc rules out the standard s++ state. At ambient pressure, 4% Co impurities in KFe2As2 suppress Tc to zero13—the critical value of the residual resistivity being ρ0crit = 4.5 μΩ cm (refs 11, 13). This is consistent with a d-wave state, whose Tc is expected to vanish when the scattering rate is of the order of Tc (ref. 11). We measured the resistivity of a sample of KFe2As2 with 3.4% Co impurities, in which ρ0 = 3.8 μΩ cm and Tc = 1.7 K at ambient pressure (Supplementary Fig. S3). Under pressure, the Tc of this Co-doped sample is suppressed to zero and does not re-emerge above Pc (Fig. 4). This shows that the superconducting state above Pc cannot be s++, a state that is insensitive to non-magnetic impurities. Neither could this high-pressure state be the same s± state as in the usual BaFe2As2-based superconductors (with an electron pocket at X), because Tc in these materials is very robust against impurity scattering29.

Figure 4: Effect of impurity scattering on Tc in KFe2As2.
figure 4

Pressure dependence of Tc in KFe2As2 for a nominally pure sample (open circles, sample B) and a sample with 3.4% Co impurities (filled squares, K(Fe1−xCox)2As2 with x = 0.034, from resistivity data in Supplementary Fig. S3). The dotted lines are linear fits to the pure data within 10 kbar on either side of Pc. The solid green line is a linear fit to the first two data points of the impure sample. Note how Tc is suppressed by the addition of impurities both below and above Pc, showing that the pairing states on both sides of the transition are highly sensitive to impurity scattering.

A plausible candidate for the phase above Pc is the s± state proposed in ref. 27 (for ambient pressure), with a sign change between the two hole pockets at Γ (Fig. 1d). Given the similarity of these two pockets, inter-band scattering is likely to be significant and Tc is therefore expected to be rather sensitive to disorder, as observed. The fact that, above Pc, Tc rises even though ρ continues to decrease (Fig. 3c) is consistent with calculations for this type of s± state, which require that the interaction between fermions be largest at small momentum transfer27. As mentioned above, this type of s± state is consistent with the ARPES study that finds a large, angle-dependent gap on the two Γ-centred hole pockets and a small nodeless gap on the M-centred hole pocket26. We suggest that the state measured by ARPES at ambient pressure is this s± state, stabilized at the cleaved (polar) surface of KFe2As2 even though the bulk is in a d-wave state.

In iron-based superconductors with a Fermi surface that contains hole and electron pockets (Fig. 1b), the natural proximity of s± and d-wave states was nicely revealed by calculations19 where the strength of the (π, π) spin fluctuations (connecting two nearby electron pockets) was gradually increased for a fixed strength of (π, 0) spin fluctuations (connecting hole and electron pockets). A V-shaped variation of Tc is obtained, as the superconducting phase goes from s± to d-wave. Impurity scattering suppresses Tc on both sides of the transition and opens up an intermediate region without superconductivity19. This is the phenomenology we observe in KFe2As2, where an analogous mechanism of competing interactions may be at play even if the Fermi surface does not contain an electron pocket.

Our proposal is that the V-shaped dependence of Tc on pressure in KFe2As2 reflects a change of pairing symmetry, most likely from a d-wave state below Pc to an s± state above Pc. To confirm this interpretation, measurements that probe the superconducting state below Tcwill be needed, especially above Pc. Note that when d-wave and s-wave phases come together, an intermediate s+i d phase that breaks time-reversal symmetry is likely to intervene19,20,21,22,30. One signature of such a phase is a spontaneous internal magnetic field that appears below Tc, which could in principle be detected with muons, in clean samples of KFe2As2 at pressures near Pc.