Background & Summary

Biophysical properties of single cells include electrical parameters such as specific membrane capacitance (Cspecific membrane, i.e., capacitance per unit area for the cell membrane modelled as a capacitor) and cytoplasm conductivity (σconductivity, i.e., the reciprocal of electrical resistivity or specific electrical resistance for the cytoplasm modelled as a resistor) as well as mechanical parameters such as instantaneous Young’s modulus (Einstantaneous, which describes the initial elastic response of a cell, modelled as an incompressible viscoelastic solid, in response to mechanical forces), which are indicators of the status of cytoskeletons and cellular membranes1. Variations in cellular biophysical properties are closely related to physiological and pathological processes, examples including (1) red blood cells infected by malaria; (2) tumour cells during migration and evasion; (3) leukocytes affected by sepsis; and (4) stem cells undergoing differentiation2,3.

Conventional techniques for characterizing the electrical properties of cells include patch clamping, electrorotation and dielectrophoresis47. On the other hand, atomic force microscopy, micropipette aspiration and optical tweezers have been used for characterizing the mechanical properties of cells812. Although well established, these approaches suffer from limited throughput (~1 cell per minute). In addition, they are not capable of measuring cellular electrical and mechanical properties simultaneously1. Therefore, data recording Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous for multiple cell types (hundreds of cells for each cell type) are currently not available in the literature.

Microfluidics is an area focusing on processing small amounts of fluids at the nanoliter to picoliter scale using microfabricated channels with dimensions of tens of micrometers1315. The micrometer dimension is comparable to biological cells, and thus microfluidics is well suited for single-cell analysis16,17. More specifically, advances in microfluidic technology have enabled high-throughput characterization of the biophysical properties of single cells, e.g., through impedance flow cytometry, microfluidic optical stretchers and microfluidic hydrodynamic stretchers1,8,18. Although powerful, these previously reported microfluidics-based approaches only reported electrical (e.g., impedance flow cytometry) or mechanical (e.g., microfluidic optical stretchers and hydrodynamic stretchers) properties of single cells separately, without demonstrating simultaneous characterization of cellular electrical and mechanical properties.

Microfluidic approaches that enable simultaneous characterization of electrical and mechanical properties of single cells have also been developed, specifically through (1) microcantilever-based electrodes19, (2) electrodeformation20, (3) micropipette aspiration with impedance spectroscopy21, or (4) constriction channels with impedance spectroscopy22. The first three approaches are limited by their low throughput, and thus cannot be used to collect data from hundreds of single cells. In the fourth approach, cells in suspension were aspirated through a constriction channel (with a width and a height that are smaller than the cell diameter) continuously. The deformation and impedance profiles of individual cells as they enter and travel through the constriction channel were recorded as mechanical and electrical signals, respectively, with an estimated throughput of 1 cell per second.

Based on custom-developed electromechanical models, these raw biophysical signals obtained from constriction channels with impedance spectroscopy were then translated to size-independent intrinsic biophysical markers including Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous2325, enabling the classification of tumour cells with different malignant levels26. However, as proof-of-concept demonstrations, only a limited number of cell types were examined with small populations for each cell type24.

In this study, based on the aforementioned approach, Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous from five types of tumour cells and hundreds of single cells for each cell type were quantified and reported. This study provides a preliminary database for cellular Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous, which may serve as a reference for future studies on characterizing and classifying biological cells based on cellular biophysical properties.


Working flowchart

The working flowchart for characterizing Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous includes four key steps: device fabrication, cell preparation, device operation and data processing (see Fig. 1). During operation, cells in suspension were aspirated into the microfluidic constriction channels with the deformation and impedance profiles of the cells recorded by a high-speed camera and an impedance analyser, respectively. Raw biophysical data were obtained by processing the images and impedance data captured in experiments, which were then translated to Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous, based on a theoretical electrical model for a cell traveling within the constriction channel and a numerical mechanical model capturing the deformation of a cell when it enters the constriction channel, respectively. The key steps were summarized as follows. The detailed procedures have been reported in a previous publication24.

Figure 1: Working flowchart for simultaneous characterization of Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous of single cells.
figure 1

Key steps include device fabrication (a), cell preparation (b), device operation (c) and data processing (d) leveraging developed electrical (e) and mechanical (f) models. During device operation, suspended cells were aspirated into the microfluidic constriction channels with the cell deformation and impedance profiles recorded by a high-speed camera and an impedance analyser, respectively. Preliminary biophysical markers including A1 kHz, A100 kHz, Linstantaneous, Ltransitional and Lelongation were obtained based on processing of image and impedance data, which were then translated to Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous, based on a theoretical electrical model for cells traveling within the constriction channel and a numerical mechanical model capturing cell deformation during the entry process, respectively.

Device fabrication

The microfluidic device consists of a constriction channel (a cross sectional area of 10 μm×10 μm) in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer (Dow Corning Corp., Midland, MI, USA) which was replicated from a SU-8 (MicroChem Corp., Newton, MA, USA) mould master (see Fig. 1a).

Briefly, SU-8 5 was spun coated, prebaked and exposed without development and post exposure bake to form the layer of the constriction channel (10 μm in height). Then SU-8 25 was spin coated on top of the first SU-8 layer, exposed with alignment and developed, forming the cell loading channel with a height of 25 μm. PDMS precursor and curing agents (10:1 in weight) were mixed, poured on channel masters and baked for crosslinking. PDMS channels were then peeled away from the SU-8 masters, punched to form through holes as inlets and outlets, and bonded to glass slides after plasma treatment.

Cell preparation

All cell-culture reagents were purchased from Life Technologies Corporation (Carlsbad, CA, USA). The lung cancer cell lines of H460, H446, A549, 95D and 95C (China Infrastructure of Cell Line Resources, Beijing, China) were cultured at 37 °C in 5% CO2 in RPMI 1640 medium (11875) supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (10099), 100 units ml−1 penicillin and 100 μg ml−1 streptomycin (15140). Immediately prior to an experiment, cells were trypsinized (25200, 0.25% for 3 min) to form a solution of cell suspension at a concentration of 1×106 cells ml−1 (see Fig. 1b).

Device operation

During operation the device was first filled with culture medium and and a pipette was used to transfer the cell suspension solution to the entrance of the cell loading channel. A pressure calibrator (DPI-610 pressure calibrator, Druck, Billerica, MA, USA) was used to generate a negative pressure (0.5–1.2 kPa), aspirating cells continuously through the constriction channel with silver wires inserted into the inlet and the outlet of the device for impedance profile recording (see Fig. 1c).

An inverted microscope (IX71, Olympus Inc., Tokyo, Japan) in connection with a high-speed camera (M320S, Phantom Inc., Bublin, OH, USA) was used to capture the process of cellular entry and travelling in the constriction channel at 200 frames per second. Impedance data at both 1 and 100 kHz was measured by a lock-in amplifier (7270, Signal Recovery, Oak Ridge, TN, USA) with a sampling rate of 25 points per second. All the characterization experiments were conducted within 30 min trypsinization of the cells at the room temperature (25 °C).

Data processing

At the stage when a cell enters the constriction channel, two preliminary parameters were quantified based on image processing: Linstantaneous as the aspiration length when a cell instantaneously jumps into the channel and Ltransitional as the aspiration length at the point where the creep deformation of the cell ends (see Fig. 1d)25. During the stage when the cell is travelling within the constriction channel, the impedance profiles and images of the elongated cell were analysed which produced three preliminary parameters: A1 kHz and A100 kHz, i.e., the ratios between the impedance amplitudes with and without a travelling cell at 1 and 100 kHz, respectively, as well as Lelongation, i.e., aspiration length of the cell when travelling within the constriction channel (see Fig. 1d)23.

A theoretical model23 was previously developed to model the electrical response of a cell as it is traveling within the constriction channel, thereby enabling the conversion of the measured A1 kHz, A100 kHz and Lelongation to Cspecific membrane and σconductivity as size-independent intrinsic electrical markers for single cells. Briefly, the electrical response of a cell was represented by Rcytoplasm and Cmembrane in series where Rleak indicated sealing properties during the cellular travelling process in the constriction channel. Rleak was derived from impedance data at 1 kHz (A1 kHz) and Cmembrane and Rcytoplasm were derived from impedance at 100 kHz (A100 kHz), respectively, which, were further translated to Cspecific membrane and σcytoplasm based on geometrical information of the constriction channel (see Fig. 1e). Note that in this study, the lumped electrical model was used for data interpretation where the membrane portion was represented by Cmembrane and the cytoplasm portion was represented by Rcytoplasm, which, to an extent, neglects the potential effects of ion channels in the cell membrane and the membranes of cytosolic organelles in cytoplasm. Future studies may develop more accurate cellular electrical models.

On the other hand, a numerical mechanical model25 was developed to model the cell deformation as it enters the constriction channel, where the channel walls were modelled as rigid surfaces and the cell was modelled as an incompressible viscoelastic solid. The key mechanical parameter to be extracted was Einstantaneous. Based on numerical simulations, the relationships between Linstantaneous, Ltransitional and Einstantaneous were obtained as follows:

L i n s tan tan e o u s / D c h a n n e l = ( 44.27 f c 2 37.24 f c + 13.70 ) × P a s p i r a t i o n / E i n s tan tan e o u s + ( 5.31 f c 2 + 2.84 f c 0.59 ) L t r a n s i t i o n a l / D c h a n n e l = ( 60.40 f c 2 + 40.05 f c 8.68 ) × P a s p i r a t i o n / E i n s tan tan e o u s + ( 1.99 f c 2 + 0.03 f c + 1.60 )

where Dchannel represents channel geometrical information, ƒc represents the friction on cell-wall interfaces and Paspiration represents pressure applied to aspirate cells into the constriction channel (see Fig. 1f). The two unknown parameters, i.e., Einstantaneous and ƒc, were solved from these two equations since all the other parameters can be measured from experiments.

Data Records

Raw impedance and image data of five cell types are available at Dryad repository (Data Citation 1, Raw Impedance and Image Data of Single Tumour Cells). The file is an Excel composed of five sheets named after five cell lines of H460, H446, A549, 95D and 95C, respectively. In each sheet of a specific cell type, the first row is the cell number and within each cell number, there are seven columns which are time (collected from impedance analyser), amplitude at 1 kHz, phase at 1 kHz, amplitude at 100 kHz, phase at 100 kHz, time (collected from high-speed camera) and aspiration length.

Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous of five cell types are available at Dryad repository (Data Citation 1, Biophysical Properties of Single Tumour Cells). The file is an Excel composed of five sheets named after five cell lines of H460, H446, A549, 95D and 95C, respectively. In each sheet of a specific cell type, there are nine columns which are cell number (column A), A1 kHz (column B), A100 kHz (column C), Linstantaneous (column D), Ltransitional (column E), Lelongation (column F), Cspecific membrane (column G), σconductivity (column H) and Einstantaneous (column I). In this file, each row represents the biophysical parameters of a specific cell, including A1 kHz, A100 kHz, Linstantaneous, Ltransitional, Lelongation, Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous.

Technical Validation

Figure 2 shows a sequence of microscopic images (a–d), showing the entry process into the constriction channel for a single cell. In addition, the impedance data for the same cell was shown in Fig. 2e and the aspiration length as a function of time was obtained by image processing and shown in Fig. 2f. The detailed data for individual cells are included in (Data Citation 1, Raw Impedance and Image Data of Single Tumour Cells).

Figure 2: Raw imaging and impedance data for a typical cell to enter and travel in the constriction channel (length: 200 μm, width: 10 μm and height: 10 μm) with preliminary biophysical parameters quantified.
figure 2

(ad) Microscopic pictures of a cell’s entry and travelling process in the constriction channel with raw impedance data of the same cell shown in e and processed aspiration length versus time shown in f. Based on data processing, five preliminary biophysical parameters including A1 kHz, A100 kHz, Linstantaneous, Ltransitional, and Lelongation were obtained.

Based on the processing of impedance profiles and image processing, five preliminary biophysical markers of A1 kHz, A100 kHz, Linstantaneous, Ltransitional, and Lelongation were obtained. When the cell entered the constriction channel, an instantaneous jump into the constriction channel was initially observed (see Fig. 2a), enabling the quantification of Linstantaneous in Fig. 2e. Then, a gradual increase in aspiration length (see Fig. 2b,e) was observed due to viscoelastic creep. The creep deformation ended when Ltransitional was reached (see Fig. 2c,e). Figure 2d shows an image of the cell travelling within the constriction channel where Lelongation was quantified. Furthermore, impedance ratios at A1 kHz and A100 kHz were also quantified during the cellular travelling process in the constriction channel (see Fig. 2e). The averages and standard deviations of five preliminary biophysical markers (A1 kHz, A100 kHz, Linstantaneous, Ltransitional and Lelongation) for five types of tumour cells were summarized in Table 1. The detailed data for individual cells are included in (Data Citation 1, Biophysical Properties of Single Tumour Cells).

Table 1 A summary of biophysical parameters of five types of tumour cells.

Figure 3a–e show the distributions of Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous for five types of tumour cells, respectively. For each type of tumour cells, the scatter plots of (i) Cspecific membrane versus Dcell, (ii) σconductivity versus Dcell, (iii) Einstantaneous versus Dcell and (iv) Cspecific membrane versus σconductivity versus Einstantaneous were included. Note that Dcell represents the diameter of the cell under measurement, which was calculated from Lelongation based on the assumption of volume conservation when the cell deforms. As shown in Table 1, Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous of five cell types were found to be 2.10±0.38 μF cm−2, 0.91±0.15 S m−1 and 5.52±0.95 kPa for H460 cells (ncell=437); 2.52±0.54 μF cm−2, 0.83±0.12 S m−1 and 5.54±1.04 kPa for H446 cells (ncell=410); 2.45±0.57 μF cm−2, 0.99±0.18 S m−1 and 5.16±1.68 kPa for A549 cells (ncell=442); 1.86±0.31 μF cm−2, 1.07±0.18 S m−1 and 3.86±0.81 kPa for 95D cells (ncell=415); 2.03±0.35 μF cm−2, 0.99±0.16 S m−1 and 3.49±0.70 kPa for 95C cells (ncell=290). The detailed data of Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous for individual cells are included in (Data Citation 1, Biophysical Properties of Single Tumour Cells).

Figure 3: Scatter plots of Cspecific membrane, σconductivity and Einstantaneous of five tumour cells.
figure 3

The number of measured cells for each type was 437 for H460 (a), 410 for H446 (b), 442 for A549 (c), 415 for 95D (d) and 290 for 95C cells (e). In addition, for each cell type, scatter plots of (i) Cspecific membrane versus Dcell, (ii) σconductivity versus Dcell, (iii) Einstantaneous versus Dcell and (iv) Cspecific membrane versus σconductivity versus Einstantaneous were included.

Additional Information

How to cite this article: Wang, K. et al. Specific membrane capacitance, cytoplasm conductivity and instantaneous Young’s modulus of single tumour cells. Sci. Data 4:170015 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.15 (2017).

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