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Psychometric Properties of a New Measure of Parental Self-Efficacy for Promoting Healthy Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviors in Children

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There is a lack of validated measures of parental self-efficacy (PSE) covering both physical activity and dietary behaviors in children which can be used to prevent childhood obesity. This study developed a new measure of PSE for promoting healthy physical activity and dietary behaviors in children and assessed its psychometric properties. Participants were mothers (n = 2,232) with 3-year-old first-born children living in Stockholm, Sweden. The mothers responded to questionnaires measuring PSE, locus of control, and self-esteem. Exploratory factor analysis yielded a three-factor structure, interpreted as PSE for promoting healthy dietary behaviors in children (Factor 1), PSE for limit-setting of unhealthy dietary or physical activity behaviors in children (Factor 2), and PSE for promoting healthy physical activity behaviors in children (Factor 3). The factor model was supported by confirmatory factor analysis. The internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the new PSE measure were high; discriminant validity was adequate. The Parental Self-Efficacy for Promoting Healthy Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviors in Children Scale (PSEPAD) shows promise as a valuable instrument in childhood obesity prevention.


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