biologia plantarum

International journal on Plant Life established by Bohumil Němec in 1959

Biologia plantarum 43:199-203, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002739807512

Variation of Storage Proteins and Isozymes within Maize Inbred Lines

A.S. Haider1, A.R. El-Shanshoury1, A. Haider1
1 Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Tanta, Tanta, Egypt

Seed storage proteins of ten maize inbred lines were investigated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In addition, fourteen isozyme loci representing nine isozyme systems were analysed. Salt-soluble protein fraction contained a large number of proteins (30 - 40 bands) of different sizes with genotypic differences among the ten inbred lines. The methionine-rich 10 kD zein showed differential expression in the ten inbred lines with different migration rates on the SDS-PAGE. This polypeptide was completely absent in the inbred line G221D. Among nine of the inbred lines, eight of 14 isozyme loci were polymorphic and six were monomorphic resulting in seven unique fingerprints.

Keywords: isozyme polymorphism; maize genotypes; SDS-PAGE; Zea mays L.; zein
Subjects: isozyme polymorphism, maize; maize genotypes; storage proteins, inbred lines; Vicia sativa; Zea mays; zein

Published: August 1, 2000  Show citation

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Haider, A.S., El-Shanshoury, A.R., & Haider, A. (2000). Variation of Storage Proteins and Isozymes within Maize Inbred Lines. Biologia plantarum43(2), 199-203. doi: 10.1023/A:1002739807512
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