The bottleneck 2-connected k-Steiner network problem for k2 rights and content
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The geometric bottleneck Steiner network problem on a set of vertices X embedded in a normed plane requires one to construct a graph G spanning X and a variable set of k0 additional points, such that the length of the longest edge is minimised. If no other constraints are placed on G, then a solution always exists which is a tree. In this paper, we consider the Euclidean bottleneck Steiner network problem for k2, where G is constrained to be 2-connected. By taking advantage of relative neighbourhood graphs, Voronoi diagrams, and the tree structure of block cut-vertex decompositions of graphs, we produce exact algorithms of complexity O(n2) and O(n2logn) for the cases k=1 and k=2 respectively. Our algorithms can also be extended to other norms such as the Lp planes.


Bottleneck optimisation
Steiner network
Block cut-vertex decomposition
Exact algorithm
Wireless networks

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This research was supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant.