1 Introduction

With recent developments in Internet of Things systems, it has become possible to design and develop multifunctional sensor nodes that are small in size, come at a low cost, require little power and communicate wirelessly in short distances [1]. The aim of the wireless sensor network is to detect physical and environmental changes such as temperature, sound, pressure and humidity. The sensor should transmit the sensed data to a central hub in cooperation over the established network. These networks have a wide application area in many sectors, including military, environmental, health, industrial and smart homes. It is worth considering patient monitoring systems as a concrete example of this technology in use [1]. With this system, patient pulse rate, blood oxygen level, electrical activity in the heart, muscle activation and general kinesthetic movements may be measured. This makes it possible to monitor the patient’s health remotely and intervene in case of an emergency. Taking this kind of IoT system into consideration, authentication and secure communication are crucial for ensuring that the health readings gathered are trustworthy so as to prevent potential attackers from falsifying that information for the purpose of jeopardizing the health of the patient. However, the traditional cryptographic solutions [2] designed for resource-rich devices to the security are often impractical for the resource-constrained devices used in these kinds of IoT systems. This is because the wireless sensor devices are limited in memory, computation ability and energy resource. These devices make the task of establishing security protocols difficult as they dedicate most of the available resources to perform their basic tasks. Several approaches have been taken into consideration in order to solve the security puzzle for such constrained devices. Some of these approaches [1, 3, 4] have built further levels of security on top of those devices’ constrained application protocol (CoAP) by using DTLS (datagram transport layer security). Some [5,6,7,8] have even taken a completely different route by using physically unclonable functions (PUFs) because PUFs provide physical security against invasive attacks [9]. Furthermore, PUFs are increasingly becoming a vital security tool in the Internet of Things environments seeing as they have many uses in the field of security protocols and key generation [6, 10,11,12,13,14,15].

Existing PUF-based protocols introduced in [10,11,12, 14] still have three main limitations. The first limitation is the need for storing a large number of challenge/response pairs for each PUF at a central verifier for subsequent verification. This requirement makes this technology hard to develop in large networks. Secondly, there is a clear lack in the literature such as [13, 16] of proper evaluation of the cost associated with the PUF protocols compared with the existing non-PUF solutions (e.g. DTLS). The lack of such analysis is a major obstacle that prevents wider adoption of this technology. The protocols analysed in [17, 18] and the classical PUF-based authentications mentioned in [12, 19] have tended to focus on physical security rather than security analyses against protocol attacks. Another limitation is that they do not provide complete privacy against common protocol attacks, e.g. man in the middle [10].

The contributions of this paper are summarized below:

  1. 1.)

    A lightweight mutual authentication along with peer-to-peer key agreement protocol, called ASSURE, based on RC5 and PUF cryptographic primitives is developed, which requires less computing resources and consumes less energy.

  2. 2.)

    A systematic security analysis is carried out to validate the proposed solution.

  3. 3.)

    The proposed solution is implemented in a constrained IoT, i.e. Zoul device, and rigorous cost estimation is performed, and the estimated results reveal that the ASSURE protocol can save up to 39.5% energy and uses 14% less memory compared with the DTLS handshake protocol which serves a pre-shared secret (key)-based authentication.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of related work and relevant literature. Section 3 describes the proposed solution. In Section 4, a systematic security analysis is presented, and the proposed solution is compared with the previous PUF protocols in terms of their security properties. Section 5 then describes the implementation process of the hardware demonstrator. A detailed cost analysis and discussion are presented in Section 6. Lastly, conclusions are drawn in Section 7.

2 Background

The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the related works on security protocols for resource-constrained environments and provide background information about the subject of this paper. Thus, this section begins with related work and then discusses the PUF technology and classical PUF-based authentication protocols. Subsequently, this section discusses the pre-shared key-based DTLS protocol used in this paper, considering that one of the implementations is based on the PSK-DTLS handshake protocol.

2.1 Related work

In light of the recent IoT networks containing resource-constrained devices, there is a considerable concern about how these devices will be connected to each other and how a secure authentication protocol will be established in an energy-efficient way [20]. The reason for this concern is that security solutions for traditional resource-rich networks will not work in the current and next-generation IoT networks due to limited available energy, processing ability and storage capacity of the constrained devices.

Conventional cryptographic protocols reported in [21,22,23,24] which require an encryption key to be stored on the device memory aim to solve the security issue of constrained devices [9]. The authors in [21] proposed a new secure and energy-efficient communication protocol for CoAP (constrained application) devices by employing a strong public-key cryptography. The protocol proposed in [23] uses the DTLS approach to provide security with TLS-RSA-AES-128-CBC-SHA1 cipher suite. The SPIN (Sensor Protocol for Information via Negotiation) reported in [25] is the first protocol used to provide data confidentiality and authentication. It is the first security protocol created for resource-constrained environment, e.g. wireless sensor network. It comprises of two secure building blocks termed as μTESLA and SNEP. Currently, the SNEP has not been completely detailed and implemented [26]. Among the authentication protocols mentioned, SPIN is slightly subpar/dated for today’s system requirements, as suggested in [26]. The rest of the protocols can be employed to provide the application dependent security, although not all of them are cost-effective for resource-constrained networks, especially the protocols relying on the use of RSA public-key cryptography such as [23].

As an alternative to conventional approaches, PUF-based protocols have been gaining much attention in IoT domains due to the security properties discussed in [9]. The PUF-based authentication methods proposed in [12, 17,18,19] consist of two processes: enrolment, which is performed before the authentication by a verifier, and verification, which ensures the authentication. As discussed in [10], though, during the verification process, the transparent exchange of challenges and responses between the verifier and the prover reveals serious privacy concerns with relation to non-invasive attacks. Elsewhere, the PUF-based authentication proposed in [27] requires CRP storage for each PUF-enabled node. The work in [28] achieves authentication without storing explicit challenge-response pairs in the verifier database. However, this protocol uses a public-key cryptography which requires heavy computations than a symmetric key cryptography. Therefore, it is implemented on an Intel Edison device with a Nexys 4 FPGA board equipped with 16 MB CellularRAM which is a resource-rich device. There are also two additional facilities called the security association provider and security credential generator in [28]. This makes the network much more complex and increases the cost. Consequently, there is no energy consumption evaluation in both [27, 28]; this prevents a wider adoption of PUF-based protocols in energy-constrained environments. Our protocol does not require CRP storage and additional facilities and uses a light symmetric key cryptography. This paper also makes resource consumption evaluation for the proposed protocol.

2.2 Physically unclonable functions

Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are physical random functions that provide specific outputs for the physical objects they work in [9], as illustrated in Fig. 1. Therefore, authentication mechanisms can be developed by taking advantage of PUF outputs [5, 6, 11].

Fig. 1
figure 1

PUF cryptographic primitive

PUFs are named into two groups as the so-called strong and weak, according to the bit length of challenge and responses [9]. In particular, practising a strong-PUF is a difficult task. The reason is that when PUFs generate responses, the noises make it very difficult to balance response bits. In some studies [12, 14], error-correction codes (ECC) with the helper data have been used for resolving this problem [29]. Latterly, the authors in [29] have proposed the structure of the PUF-FSM, which generates reliable outputs. They found a solution for removing the need for ECC and helper data by using error-free responses.

In fact, PUF design is not the focus of this paper; the benefits and importance of contributions proffered in this paper lie at the protocol level. Therefore, the use of the PUF-FSM within ASSURE is assumed. Thus, consistent response corresponding with a challenge can be generated in a controlled and reliable manner.

2.3 DTLS protocol in resource-limited environments

The DTLS design was originally intended to provide security in traditional IoT networks containing both resource-rich and resource-constrained devices [23]. Hence, using this protocol in its original form on resource-limited devices means a heavy-duty solution because of the computation and communication requirements [1, 3]. DTLS in default mode uses RSA-based certificates, which requires heavy computation, and six communication flights between the client and server [3]. Due to the necessity of minimizing resource use in the constrained IoT, Raza et al. [1, 30] suggested adopting 6LoWPAN header compression for the DTLS. For the same reason, Kothmayr et al. [23] proposed an RSA-based security protocol called “certificate based DTLS”. However, the measured overhead of this DTLS handshake indicates high energy usage because of asymmetric cryptosystem usage. In other works [31, 32], the authors estimated the performance of the DTLS handshake, for resource-constrained networks using ECC-based cryptography, which was proposed for the CoAP [33]. The measurements, however, display the fact that energy consumption is still quite high. In this paper, PSK (pre-shared key) mode [34], a low-cost application of DTLS, was implemented to minimize the computation and communication costs.

3 Proposed protocol

This section begins with the system model and attacker model for understanding the server/device roles and rationale behind the proposed protocol and provides a brief introduction of the proposed solution. It then describes in detail the security protocol, designed for wireless sensor devices, which uses PUF technology and the light cryptographic algorithm.

3.1 System model

In the system model depicted in Fig. 2, a number of parties execute a generic authentication and key agreement protocol by exchanging messages with the aim of proving each other’s identity. The protocol specification defines what roles are involved in each execution of the protocol itself. For example, an authentication protocol usually includes a prover role for the party to be authenticated and a verifier role for the party verifying the prover’s identity. The specification also defines what messages are sent and received in which order, the expected content of messages, and the state of each involved role, i.e. what the variables are in the local memory of each role and how they change upon receiving new messages.

Fig. 2
figure 2

System model for resource-constrained IoT devices

There can be more instances of the same protocol being executed at the same time, and the same party can participate in more instances simultaneously. With reference to the previously mentioned ASSURE authentication protocol, a party can run the verifier role into two distinct instances with two different parties; each party playing the prover role as shown in Fig. 2. During peer-to-peer key agreement, the two provers, which have been authenticated by the verifier, exchange a secret key for secure communication. Finally, all the above statements about the system model lead to define the attacker models the system might face, as described in the following section.

3.2 Attacker model

In the attack scenario, an attacker is a party potentially playing several roles in different instances of the same authentication and key agreement protocol. This party attempts to deceive honest parties by behaving in compliance with the protocol with the aim of breaking security properties. Relevant examples of attack strategies are described below.

In a man in the middle (MitM) attack, the attacker operates in between two honest parties that are running an instance of the protocol. In this type of attack, the attacker can intercept, alter and relay the messages exchanged by the honest parties without them being aware of the intrusion. By operating in the middle, secretly and with the possibility of modifying to some extent the content of intercepted messages, the attacker can break the protocol.

In an eavesdropping attack, the data transmitted over a network or channel is listened without permission by malicious third parties to gain access to private information. It is possible that the sensitive data, e.g. key, can be obtained and exploited for malicious purposes.

In a replay attack, the attacker first picks valid messages exchanged by honest parties in some instance of the protocol and then reuses these messages in a different instance to bypass identity controls and pose as a legitimate party.

In a model building-attack, the attacker first tries to imitate the PUF behaviour with some machine learning techniques. He/she exploits machine learning algorithms to predict the responses to the new challenges using a certain number of known challenge and response pairs (CRPs), obtained from the communication channel during the process of running the protocol. Based on the CRPs obtained, the attacker trains the ML algorithms to provide responses to be involved in the authentication. Finally, the attacker attempts to make his/her device authentic by modelling the protocol.

In a device impersonation attack, the adversary attempts to deceive an authenticator server into accepting a fake device as valid. In a cloning attack, an attacker tampers with a device to retrieve secrets in the device. He/she then stores the collected secrets into a fraudulent device. The same design and secrets make it possible to be involved in the system as a valid device.

In a server impersonation attack, a powerful adversary who aims to obtain the internal state of a device tries to emulate the current server and portray itself as a valid server.

In a de-synchronization attack, which is a sort of denial of service attack, an adversary intentionally disrupts the synchronization of the server with the device to block subsequent verifications. The authentication protocols in some IoT devices, such as RFID, carry out an update process for the secrets and identity of the device during successful protocol operation. Since this update is processed on both back-end server and processing device, the synchronization of confidential data between the device and the verifier database is particularly critical for future authentication attempts.

3.3 Proposed solution

The proposed solution combines PUF technology with a symmetric light cipher named RC5 to produce a new protocol that has the same security properties of DTSL against protocol attacks while at the same time consuming less energy. In addition to this, it provides security against physical attacks thanks to PUF cryptographic primitive [35].

This work is a preliminary attempt seeing as it compares the costs associated with the PUF protocol (ASSURE) and the existing non-PUF solutions (e.g. DTLS). The ASSURE protocol proposed in this work also satisfies the following requirements:

  • Mutual authentication: Both parties (client and server) involved in the network must authenticate each other in an energy-efficient way.

  • Peer-to-peer key agreement: Two IoT devices authenticated by the same server must be able to agree on the key to ensuring secure communication with each other.

  • Client unclonability: When all the design features of the IoT device are obtained by the attacker, the security of the system should not be able to be compromised by means of cloning the device.

  • PUF model on the verifier: The trained PUF model is used at the server side to reduce the cost of storing a large number of challenge/response pairs.

3.4 Protocol description

The properties of the authentication and key agreement model are the system manager, represented by S. The involved objects in the model are the verifier, represented by V, and devices A and B (i.e. provers), represented by DA and DB. In implementing this scheme, three devices are connected to each other using the UDP connection, one as a server (verifier) and the other two as provers. This model allows mutual authentication between two entities (V, D) and peer-to-peer key agreement between DA and DB. Party V includes PUF models based on a neural network algorithm for each device enrolled in the system by the system manager S.

The proposed protocol (ASSURE): The protocol consists of three phases, namely, the registration phase, the verification phase and the peer-to-peer key agreement phase. For these phases, the protocol is explained using the symbols in Table 1.

Table 1 List of symbols

The registration and verification phases of the protocol consist of the following steps.

  1. a)

    Registration phase: As a one-time effort, the verifier (V) creates PUF models, i.e. PUFMA and PUFMB, using the machine learning algorithm (neural network) and stores them with the MAC address and IDs of devices (A and B) into the database, e.g. DB = (IDA, MACA, PUFMA). It should be noted that the PUF will be unique by associating it with the ID and MAC address of the client. The authorized MAC addresses of the clients corresponding to the model should be kept in the verifier database to make sure that the client is a device belonging to the network.

  2. b)

    Authentication phase: The first three flights in Fig. 3 are for device-server mutual authentication, and the fourth and last flight is for device-device key agreement. The authentication processes of devices A and B are carried out with similar actions, with the exception of the third flight only. This section describes the authentication steps of device A in the following manner:

  • Step 1. The verifier generates a random number r and\( {nonce}_{v_1} \) 0 ≤ r ≤ 2k, r ∈ R, normalizes the challenge Ci = r, 0 < i ≤ 2n, i ∈ Z+ and sends the challenge (Ci) and \( {nonce}_{v_1} \) to device A.

  • Step 2. Device A receives the challenge (Ci) and generates the response \( {R}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{A}}={PUF}_{\mathrm{A}}\left({C}_{\mathrm{i}}\right). \) Afterwards, device A computes \( {\alpha}_{\mathrm{d}}= RC{5}_{R_i^A}(M) \) where \( M=\left(\left({ID}_{\mathrm{B}}\right), MAC,{nonce}_{\mathrm{d}},{nonce}_{v_1}\right) \) and sends it along with its ID to the verifier.

  • Step 3. Device A is checked by looking at its ID in the database of the verifier. The verifier computes the response\( {R}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{A}}={PUFM}_{\mathrm{A}}\left({C}_{\mathrm{i}}\right). \) Then the verifier decrypts αd and obtains \( \left({ID}_{\mathrm{B}}\right), MAC,{nonce}_{v_1} \) and nonced. If IDB exists in message (αd), that means that device A wants to communicate with device B. The verifier checks the authenticity of the MAC from the database and verifies the\( {nonce}_{v_1} \). The freshness control is based on\( {nonce}_{v_1} \). This implies that the received information is recent. If those checks are successful and the data is fresh, the device is authenticated; otherwise, the device is rejected and unauthorized.

  • Step 4. After the authentication of device A has been successfully completed, the verifier computes and sends \( {\alpha}_{\mathrm{v}}= RC{5}_{R_i^A}\left({MAC}_{\mathrm{A}},{nonce}_{\mathrm{d}}\right) \) to be authenticated by A. The token (Tkni) is generated by the verifier such that \( {Tkn}_{\mathrm{i}}= RC{5}_{R_i^B}\left({ID}_{\mathrm{A}},{MAC}_{\mathrm{B}},{T}_{\mathrm{p}},{S}_{\mathrm{key}}\right) \). V then generates a random \( {nonce}_{v_2} \) and sends it with Tkni in an encrypted form to A such that \( {M}_{\mathrm{SA}}= RC{5}_{R_i^A}\left({MAC}_{\mathrm{A}},{S}_{\mathrm{key}},{Tkn}_{\mathrm{i}},{nonce}_{v_2}\right) \). Transmitting MSA containing Tkni is optional and occurs when device A wants to communicate with device B.

  • Step 5. The device decrypts αv and checks MACA. If the check is successful and nonced is fresh, the server (verifier) is authenticated.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The steps of the proposed authentication and key agreement protocol

Heretofore, the mutual authentication between device A and the verifier V has been described. In fact, the mutual authentication steps between B and V are processed in a similar way as indicated in authentication between A and V. Thus, the authentication steps of device B are described briefly in the following manner:

  • Step 6. The verifier generates and sends a random number\( nonce{\prime}_{v_1} \) and normalized challenge Ci to device B.

  • Step 7. Device B generates the response \( {R}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{B}}={PUF}_{\mathrm{B}}\left(C{\prime}_{\mathrm{i}}\right) \) and then computes αd and sends it along with its ID′ to the verifier.

  • Step 8. Device B is checked by looking at its ID′ in the database of V. Afterwards, V computes the response \( {R}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{B}}={PUFM}_{\mathrm{B}}\left(C{\prime}_{\mathrm{i}}\right) \) and then decrypts αd and obtains\( MAC, nonce{\prime}_{v_1} \) and nonced. V checks the authenticity of the MAC from the database and verifies the\( nonce{\prime}_{v_1} \).

  • Step 9. If those checks are successful, V computes and sends \( \alpha {\prime}_{\mathrm{v}}= RC{5}_{R_i^B}\left({MAC}_{\mathrm{B}}, nonce{\prime}_{\mathrm{d}}\right) \) to B.

  • Step 10. Device B decrypts αv and checks MACBand nonced and then authenticates the server.

Peer-to-Peer key agreement phase

At the key agreement stage, device A communicates with device B in the following manner to exchange the key. It should be noted that depending on the applications and network requirements, the peer-to-peer key agreement is optional and happens when device A wants to communicate securely with device B because B would be a service provider or resource provider.

  • Step 11. Device A generates a request (rqst) and a random nonce (nA) and sends them with IDA, IDB in an encrypted form in a message such that \( {M}_{\mathrm{A}\mathrm{B}}= RC{5}_{S_{key}}\left({ID}_{\mathrm{A}},{ID}_{\mathrm{B}},{n}_{\mathrm{A}}, rqst\right), \) along with Tkni to device B.

  • Step 12. Device B obtains \( {R}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{B}} \), which is already used in the authentication phase, using its PUFB. B decrypts the Tkni using \( {R}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\mathrm{B}} \) and obtains the secret key Skey and MACB and then verifies MACB. It then decrypts the MAB using the secret symmetric key Skey and obtains the IDA, IDB, nA and rqst. If obtaining Skey and decrypting MAB are successful, then device B verifies whether IDB, MACB are correct or not. If those verifications fail, B terminates the process. Otherwise, the key agreement is considered complete, and device B can communicate and share resources securely with device A using Skey. Note that in the case of reconnection, device B will receive the same challenge from the server and generate the same response during the current authentication and key agreement session. Consequently, B knows which response to use to decrypt the token received from A.

Thus far, the details on the proposed solution and the ASSURE protocol description are provided in this section. The following section analyses in detail the security of the protocol mentioned above.

4 Security analysis

This section describes the security analysis of ASSURE for the purpose of validating the proposed solution. First, a system model and an attacker model are characterized to define the security properties provided by ASSURE, namely, mutual authentication, resistance to man in the middle and eavesdropping attacks, resistance to replay attacks, resistance to device impersonation and cloning, server impersonation and de-synchronization attacks. Then, the way by which these properties are proved is explained by using a well-known automatic tool for the analysis of security protocols named Scyther. This section moreover analyses the security of ASSURE against model building attacks (ML attacks) based on SVM and ANN implementations.

4.1 Scyther tool

Scyther is a publicly available tool responsible for formally analysing security protocols. It is assumed that all cryptographic algorithms are fault-free, i.e. an attacker cannot derive any information from encrypted messages without having the encryption key. In order for protocols to be verified, they must be defined using a custom C-like programming language, as advised in Section 4.3. Each protocol defines the involved roles, the local variables of each role (i.e. its private variables), the content and order of exchanged messages and what specific security properties must be formally verified.

Those security properties are specified through the so-called claim events. A secrecy claim of a variable holds if each time an honest party communicates with honest parties, the variable value will not be known to the adversary. A non-injective synchronization claim—also known as Nisynch in Scyther jargon—states that everything intended to happen in the protocol definition also happens in its execution, i.e. all received messages were sent by the communication partner, and all sent messages have been received by the communication partner. Furthermore, Commit claims are used to require that parties agree on the values of a set of variables.

4.2 Verification of security properties

In order to validate the proposed solution, this paper aims to prove that ASSURE is secure against all of the attacks mentioned in Section 3.2 while at the same time providing resistance to cloning. Moreover, in this section, the security properties that are intended to show ASSURE provides are defined as follows:

  • Mutual authentication: In every instance of the authentication protocol, if both participating parties are honest, then each party correctly verifies the identity of the other. Otherwise, if any participating party behaves maliciously, then the authentication process fails. The ASSURE protocol satisfies mutual authentication in the following manner. The server first verifies the client’s authenticity by comparing the ID and MAC in the encrypted data αd. Only the client can generate the correct encrypted data of the \( MAC\ \mathrm{and}\ {nonce}_{v_1} \) because of the PUF. The server only sends the encrypted αv and MSA to the trusted client. The client then verifies the server’s authenticity by checking if the content (MACA and nonced) of the αv are accurate. Only the server which has the PUF response can generate the correct encrypted data αv.

  • Resistance to man in the middle attack: An attacker cannot break the mutual authentication property and peer-to-peer key agreement by running an MitM attack. As shown in Fig. 4, upon running the Scyther tool on ASSURE, which was itself reported in Section 4.3, the output shows that all the itemized claims were verified. This means that if the device and the verifier are honest, they mutually agree on what messages are exchanged, as well as their order and content (Nisynch and Commit claims), regardless of the potential actions of the attacker. As proven by Scyther that Commit, Nisynch and SKR (secret) claims are satisfied, this guarantees mutual authentication and resistance to the MitM attack in the ASSURE protocol. Consequently, all secret and sensitive information (PUF response, MAC, Skey) are transmitted securely because they are always encrypted before transmitted.

  • Resistance to eavesdropping attack: In ASSURE protocol, an attacker cannot compromise the security of the transmitted sensitive data during the protocol execution by eavesdropping on the communication channel between client and server as proven by Scyther tool. This is because all sensitive data (PUF response, MAC, Skey) is encrypted during communication between the client and server.

  • Resistance to replay attack: In the ASSURE protocol, an attacker cannot break the mutual authentication property and key agreement by running a replay attack. As the encrypted data αd and αv are both randomized by nonces \( \left({nonce}_d,{nonce}_{v_1}\right) \) for each client and each authentication cycle, the resistance to the replay attacks defined in Section 3.2 is ensured. No communication or a part of the communication can be reused.

  • Resistance to de-synchronization: The Nisynch (non-injective synchronization) part of the protocol definition in Scyther verified that the authentication and key agreement protocol are not vulnerable to a de-synchronization attack. Considering that the response Ri is kept secret between the device and the verifier guarantees that the content of two exchanged messages αd and αv cannot be decrypted. The Nisynch claim of the protocol was verified by Scyther, i.e. that the device never loses synchronization with the server because its secrets and public data are freshly generated for each protocol cycle. The de-synchronization attack cannot be performed because listening or stopping any link in the protocol cannot break the synchronization of data between the communication parties.

  • Resistance to server impersonation: An adversary cannot reveal the internal state of the device due to PUF and, thus, cannot emulate the proper server in the ASSURE protocol. Regarding server impersonation, it is not possible for a fake server to correctly generate the encrypted message αv because it depends on the PUF response, the MAC and the random nonce nonced value. Furthermore, the fake server cannot identify a device from its MAC with relation to its corresponding PUF. The MAC address is never exposed since it is always sent in an encrypted way on the channel.

  • Resistance to device impersonation and cloning: The proposed ASSURE protocol has resistance to device impersonation and cloning attack due to the security properties of the PUF described in [9]. As stated in [9], the CRP behaviour of the PUF collapses severely if an invasive attack is executed against the device. This PUF property is evidence of tamper resistance [9]. In the ASSURE protocol, an encrypted output that covered the Ri (response) to Ci (challenge) does not give any information about the next Ri + 1 to Ci + 1. It is impractical to predict the Ri to Ci without accessing the corresponding PUF. The device responds with an encrypted text to the server query using the newly generated nonce (nonced) and response (Ri). Thus, it is impossible for the attacker to generate the correct encrypted text using the challenge and nonce. Consequently, PUF protects sensitive secrets in the device, and the encryption prevents the collection of PUF responses from the communication channel. Hence, it is impossible to impersonate and clone the device.

  • Resistance to model building attacks: In the classic PUF-based authentication, if an attacker has an ability to eavesdrop on challenge and response pairs sent in clear, he/she can imitate the PUF behaviour with the machine learning algorithms as described in [5]. As will be proved in Section 4.4, in the proposed protocol, an attacker cannot build a modelling attack because the output of the PUF is never exposed during the protocol process. The ASSURE protocol is resilient to model building attacks, which is achieved by hiding the responses sent in the communication channel. The response is masked by using the RC5 algorithm, i.e. \( {\alpha}_{\mathrm{v}}= RC{5}_{R_i}\left({MAC}_{\mathrm{A}},{nonce}_{\mathrm{d}}\right) \). In this way, the real response is protected to prevent an adversary from collecting all CRPs and building a model of the PUF.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Scyther verification results

4.3 Defining the proposed protocol (ASSURE) in Scyther

The listing below shows the definition of the proposed protocol using the programming language of Scyther. Having the listing also allows the reader to check the consistency between this protocol and the protocol described in the previous section.

Listing 1 Model of the proposed protocol in Scyther jargon

figure a

Three roles are defined: the devices, i.e. role A and B, and the verifier, i.e. role V. The local status of each part is defined as a set of variables: the nonces nonced, noncev, noncev2 and nA; the challenge Ci; and the response Ri. The device and the verifier generate one nonce each, nonced and noncev, respectively. The challenge Ci is generated by the verifier as it were a nonce. The response Ri derives from the PUF function declared at the beginning, known to both the device and the verifier. Each of these variables is either declared as fresh, meaning that it is randomly generated by the party, or as var., meaning that it gets a value which is assigned to it upon the reception of a message. Messages are sent using the send event and received through the recv event. The first parameter of the send sets the identity of the sender; the second specifies the identity of the destination. The same may be applied to the recv event. The other parameters define the content of the message, i.e. what variables are included in the message. For the send, all variables must already have an assigned value. For the recv, the local variables included in the content are assigned the values provided in the corresponding send event. The match event assigns the value specified as the second parameter to the variable placed as the first parameter. In this case, the output of the PUF functions is computed on the secret key shared between the device and the verifier, i.e. k(A,V), and on the challenge Ci. The claim events at the end of each role define the first six security properties for verification, as was already explained in Section 4.2.

All the above definitions aim to validate the security of ASSURE against protocol attacks. The following section will validate the security of the proposed protocol against the model building attack in particular.

4.4 Model building resistance

As previously discussed in [5], exposing the large number of challenge and corresponding response pairs of the PUF in the communication channel makes classical PUF-based authentication protocols vulnerable to model building attacks. PUF modelling can be implemented using machine learning methods such as the support vector machine and the neural network algorithm. The behaviour of most electronic delay-based PUFs, such as arbiter, can be modelled by taking advantage of challenge-response pairs [5]. Different PUF designs are proposed using an Arbiter PUF to generate non-linear CRPs, such as XOR Arbiter PUF [19] and feed-forward Arbiter PUF [37]. It is worth to mention, though, that these designs are still vulnerable to machine learning attacks [9, 38]. The possible way to prevent this attack is to break the relationship between challenge and response pairs by hiding the challenge or response using cryptographic primitives [16]. Che et al. [39] used a cryptographic hash function which is applied to the challenge. Its goal was to make it difficult for modelling attacks which attempt to deliberately apply a set of CRPs to be performed. For the purpose of obfuscating the responses, the XOR function is also included alternatively to make it more difficult for modelling attacks to be completed while at the same time not completely overcoming the risk [38].

Barbareschi et al. [16] aimed to hide the real responses involved in the authentication protocol. The authors presented the PUF model masking scheme using AES encryption. In their scheme, the Ri is generated stimulating the Anderson PUF with the Ci; then, the Ci is also encrypted via AES encryption using the response (Ri) as a key. They claim that both the encrypted output \( {E}_{R_i}\left({C}_i\right)={R}_i^{\prime } \) and the Ci pairs (\( {C}_{\mathrm{i}},{R}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\prime } \)) can be used in an authentication protocol. The encryption algorithm guarantees that the operation cannot be deciphered for the purpose of obtaining the response from the encrypted outputs [10]. This makes the authentication machine learning resilient. Using some strong cryptographic methods, for example, AES can completely overcome the risk of modelling attacks given the confusion and diffusion properties of encryption algorithms [10].

However, AES encryption is a costly approach for resource-constrained devices [25]. In this work, RC5 encryption is used as a more practical solution for hiding the PUF response because it is a more lightweight cipher for resource-limited devices.

As displayed in Fig. 5, the PUF response is hidden in the following manner. The response (Ri) generated by the PUF is used as a key. Then, the output (αi) is generated by encrypting plaintext M, including the mac and the nonces, by the formula \( {\alpha}_{\boldsymbol{i}}= RC{5}_{R_i}(M) \) using RC5 encryption. The nonces were generated by a 40-bit pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). The resiliency of the classic PUF-based authentication process and the proposed authentication protocol against ML attacks (support vector machine and artificial neural network) are evaluated. For the evaluation, the resiliency of the Arbiter and TCO-PUF against ML attacks are tested.

Fig. 5
figure 5

PUF response-hiding scheme

4.4.1 Test vector generation and machine learning

ML attacks exploit the already used challenge and response pairs involved in the authentication protocol. In the basic PUF-based authentication protocol, the challenge and response pairs are sent in clear between the client and server, as was explained in [10]. Therefore, the model building attack is an open threat to this protocol. As reported in Section 3.2, an attacker can collect a sufficient number of CRPs and create a model with machine learning algorithms. For the machine learning analysis of the basic PUF-based authentication protocol, 32,000 test vectors, namely, challenge-response pairs (Ci, Ri), are obtained from the 32-bit Arbiter PUF and TCO-PUF. For machine learning analysis of the proposed protocol, 32,000 test vectors (Ci, αi), namely, challenge-encrypted output pairs, are generated. Then, ANN and SVM are used to examine whether those test vectors can be modelled or not. In the next section, the test results of SVM and ANN over the test vectors mentioned above are evaluated.

4.4.2 Model building attack results

In order to the analyse the resiliency of the arbiter, TCO-PUF and the response-hiding scheme described in Fig. 5 against machine learning attacks, SVM and ANN were used. The Arbiter and TCO-PUF were introduced in [36, 40]. Both take the 32-bit challenge as an input and generate the 1-bit response as an output. These are modelled in the current study. Throughout the modelling analysis, the value bi refers to bits of the challenge (C), i.e. C = b1bk, and the output of the PUF is interpreted as a response R. Then the term oi is used to refer to bits of the encrypted output (αi), i.e. α = o1om. The value of the k is often regarded as the bit length of each PUF. As shown in Fig. 5, the value of the encrypted output (128 bits) is generated by RC5 encryption according to the formula \( {\alpha}_{\mathrm{d}}= RC{5}_{R_i^A}(M) \) using the response as a key and the 80-bit nonces and 48-bit mac as the plain text. Thus, the value for m is the number of output bits generated by the response-hiding scheme.

For the purpose of comparison, the resiliency of the 32-bit Arbiter and TCO-PUFs against ML attacks can be derived from Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. The two figures show the prediction results of ML attacks against the Arbiter and TCO-PUF. It is obvious that the resulting prediction accuracies are very high, viz. 99.5% and 98.4%, respectively.

Fig. 6
figure 6

ML attacks (SVM, NN) on Arbiter PUF and its response-hiding scheme

Fig. 7
figure 7

ML attacks (SVM, NN) on TCO-PUF and its response-hiding scheme

Following the above, the resiliency of the response-hiding scheme for the 32-bit Arbiter and TCO-PUFs against ML attacks is evaluated. Figure 6 and Fig. 7 also depict the prediction results of the response-hiding scheme using both types of ML attacks (SVM and NN). These results are based on the challenge (Ci) and the first 5 bits(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5) of the encrypted output oi. For each challenge (Ci) and oi bit pairs, the prediction accuracies in average for the Arbiter response-hiding scheme are 52.6% in NN attack and 51.9% in SVM attack; conversely, on average, the prediction accuracies for the TCO response-hiding scheme are 51.6% in NN attack and 51.2% in SVM attack. As can be seen in the figures above, collecting more challenge (Ci) and encrypted output (oi) pairs does not increase the accuracy of the machine learning processes. In order to predict the whole output of the response-hiding scheme, both ML techniques can be applied as in Arbiter and TCO-PUF analysis to predict its single output bits oi. Based on the results gleaned from the figures above, the probability of predicting 1 bit of the encrypted output is 1/2 in one attempt. As a result, the probability of predicting whole bits of the output is 1/2m (1/2128) in one attempt. From the context of a security system, an adversary who is aiming to decode the ciphered output encrypted with a 128-bit length key has to complete approximately 2128 computations in order to obtain the plaintext. The 128- and 256-bit security levels are the most common and carefully analysed cryptographic properties that have been tested in terms of sufficiency of security for the Internet of Things devices [41].

The above analysis concluded that the probability to predict the whole output of response-hiding schemes which were shown in Fig. 5 exponentially, and with certainty, reduced the misprediction rate of a single bit oi. This appears to be reasonable for the ML attack analysis in what has been described. Hereby, the results show that response-hiding scheme ensures the bit security of the ASSURE protocol. These results have further strengthened the confidence of this work in terms of the resiliency of the response-hiding scheme in the ASSURE protocol against ML attacks. All of the above findings of the hiding scheme have also validated the usefulness of encryption algorithms’ confusion and diffusion features which were described in [42].

4.5 Comparison

This section begins by describing a list of protocol requirements mentioned in the survey [10]. It then compares the proposed ASSURE protocol with the PUF-based protocols from the survey as well as lockdown protocols I and II from [18], considering the capabilities and claims of those protocols.

4.5.1 Protocol requirements based on survey [10]

In the survey [10], the protocol requirements are listed and described as follows:

  1. 1)

    Complete Specification: A protocol should be clearly stated and explained in a complete manner with its graphical representation.

  2. 2)

    Leakage Resilience: It should provide security against highly advanced physical attacks.

  3. 3)

    Able to Handle Noisiness: The reliability of the PUF circuit may not be stable because of the noises of their responses. To exploit a stable response, there are some approaches such as using error correction codes or error-free responses and giving fault tolerance [10].

  4. 4)

    Counteracting Modelling Attacks: The protocol should be resistant against machine learning attacks.

  5. 5)

    PUF Response Space Expansion: In order to prevent brute force and random guessing attacks, the PUF-based protocols require that the length of output generated by the response should be at least 128 bits large.

  6. 6)

    Low Cost in Resource Consumption: The PUF-based protocol should be lightweight in the resource-limited environments.

  7. 7)

    Easy to Instantiate: Impractical assumptions should not be made of the PUF in order to successfully and easily implement the protocol.

  8. 8)

    Resistance Against Protocol Attacks: The protocol should provide security against server impersonation, eavesdropping, MitM and replay attacks.

  9. 9)

    Mutual Authentication: The protocol should support mutual authentication between both the client and the server.

4.5.2 Comparison with other PUF-based protocols

In this section, Table 2 considers some of the PUF-based authentication protocols found in [13, 14, 17, 18, 43] and compares them with ASSURE. The table lists the protocol requirements from [10, 18]. This indicates the capabilities and claims of the protocols. All PUF-based protocols in this table utilize two stages. The first stage is the enrolment stage in a secured environment. At this stage, the verifier stores the PUF CRPs in a database or generates the shared secret with some information obtained from the PUF. The second stage is the verification stage. The prover and verifier then perform a verification over the communication channel. Most of the PUF-based protocols use cryptographic algorithms and error correction codes; moreover, they store CRPs on the verifier’s side in order to maintain the authentication [10]. One of the most serious limitations of strong PUF authentications, which is the storage of secret CRPs, requires that the server interacts securely with each PUF device in enrolment stage and then used CRPs are deleted so that they are not used again. Accordingly, the server must collect and store several secrets or CRPs before deployment and update them over time. For large IoT networks, e.g. a WSN with thousands of devices, this requires not only a large amount of storage but also an intensive update workload. Unfortunately, this is not achievable due to the ubiquitous and resource-constrained nature of WSNs. In the proposed ASSURE protocol, though, neither the server nor the client needs to record and update the CRPs in the database.

Table 2 Comparing the ASSURE protocol with other work finalists from [10, 18]

Van et al. [43] proposed a PUF-based authentication protocol that provides mutual authentication using reverse fuzzy extractors. As mentioned in [18], the security in the first protocol of [43] relies on PRNG; however, it is cracked because of LFSR circularity. The slender protocols in [13] were also cracked because of LFSR linearity. A simplified solution to this problem is to redesign the PRNG carefully. As the authors of [44] have highlighted, an attacker can lead to an authentication error when the man in the middle substitution attack is carried out against the slender protocol.

Therefore, the PRNG security is highly important for this protocol because it exchanges the responses clearly and generates the challenge via the PRNG. It also clearly sends half of the challenge from the device (Cd) and half of the challenge from the server (Cs). An adversary can easily collect the exchange messages (i.e. two parts of the challenge) and the response. If the adversary manages to recognize the PRNG function and imitate it, then the whole challenge can be obtained. In the end, when there is a sufficient amount of the challenge and response pairs collected, the PUF model can be built very easily using machine learning techniques. On the contrary, the authors claim that they enhanced the security of the PRNG by restricting adversary on mounting the challenge manipulation [18]. Consequently, the lockdown II protocol in the table is assigned as a modelling robust.

The PRNG in the ASSURE protocol was based on a cryptographically secured generator of the Contiki OS [45]. Nevertheless, it does not need to be highly secured since it is not the cryptographic primitive directly used for security. Moreover, the response is always hidden. Subsequently, an adversary cannot collect responses from the communication channel and cannot build the model. This form of security comes from the PUF response and encryption algorithm. Since the response is sent as an encrypted message, the response Ri is kept secret between the device and the verifier, thereby guaranteeing that the content of the last two transmitted pieces of data cannot be decrypted as was proven by the Scyther security verification tool.

Sadeghi et al. [14] proposed an authentication method called the converse PUF-based authentication. In contrast to the traditional approach to PUF authentication, the prover contains a PUF’s CRPs, and the verifier contains the PUF circuit. They provided a broad security analysis on that protocol. Regarding the authentication, however, they have to store CRPs in the prover database. This protocol only provides server authenticity. The main weakness of their study is that they make no attempt to support mutual authentication. The proposed ASSURE protocol, on the other hand, allows mutual authentication between the client and server, as evidenced in the security analysis section.

In the protocol of Bolotnyy et al. [17], there is an assumption that PUFs are secure against modelling attack. However, it is not realistic to accept that the PUF-based protocols are resilient to the machine learning attacks, except when using cryptographic primitives. Using an encryption method, for example, the RC5 used in this work can completely overcome the risk of modelling attacks due to the confusion and diffusion properties of encryption, as shown in Section 4.4.2.

Finally, there is still a considerable uncertainty about the energy consumptions of the aforementioned protocols because they do not have real case implementations and energy analyses on the IoT devices. The ASSURE protocol is the only exception. They mainly focus on the importance of physical security rather than resistance against protocol attacks. This paper sets out with the aim of assessing the importance of resource constraints and has offered as a solution the ASSURE security protocol. The next two sections describe the implementations and experimental analysis methodology which was adopted in this paper and evaluate the energy and memory consumption of the ASSURE protocol.

5 Experimental analysis method

This section outlines the experimental setup of this paper and explains the metrics used to evaluate the energy and memory-related costs of the proposed ASSURE protocol.

5.1 The purpose of the experiment

The purpose of these experiments is twofold. The first is to verify the functionality of the proposed solution; this is achieved by constructing a wireless network which has a server and two clients, as depicted in Fig. 2. The second goal of the experiments is to evaluate the energy consumption and memory utilization of the ASSURE scheme compared with the existing solutions, namely, the PSK-DTLS and UDP protocols.

5.2 Experimental setup

To conduct this experiment, the Zolertia Zoul re-mote, a computer and the Contiki operating system were utilized. The Contiki operating system running on VMware with a 10 GB hard disk and 2 GB of RAM was used for the experimental setup. In the case of hardware implementation, three Zolertia Zoul devices, equipped with 512 KB flash memory (ROM) and 32 KB RAM, were used, with the one serving as the server and the other two as the clients. Three Zoul devices were programmed with Contiki, and energy measurements were estimated by using the energest module [46] in Contiki. Table 3 presents the current consumption details of the CPU and radio in active and sleep modes derived from the Zoul node datasheet [47]. The operating voltage was 3.4 V. Those details are used to calculate the energy measurement of the specified protocols in Section 6.4.

Table 3 Power breakdown of the Zolertia Zoul device

The Zolertia Zoul device is a popular choice among researchers. It was chosen for this work in order to have a standard base for comparison. This device has found application in a host of real-world scenarios, such as powering smart homes [47].

The Contiki OS is a well-known open-source operating system developed by Adam Dunkels under the C programming language [45]. It was designed for low power IoT (Internet of Things) devices having limited memory, e.g. wireless sensor nodes. A typical Contiki configuration is suitable for a microcontroller with 2 KB of RAM and 40 KB of ROM memory [21]. With this operating system running on connected resource-constrained devices, it is possible to develop many different applications.

5.3 How to build a PUF model

This subsection describes how a PUF model required for the proposed protocol can be built. One assumption is that the verifier has access to the PUF in the device once the PUF model has been established. Then, it securely stores the derived model of every PUF and fuses the programmable wires so that the challenge-response interface cannot be accessed anymore. In order to create a PUF model, the dataset that is a collection of 32-bit Arbiter and TCO-PUF challenges and their corresponding responses are obtained from the Arbiter PUF that is implemented using the BSIM4 (V4.5) transistor model in 25C with 1.2 V as well as from the TCO-PUF which is simulated in a 130-nm CMOS technology; then the neural network (NN) algorithm is trained using CRPs. For the neural network, a multi-layer perceptron feed-forward structure utilizing the neural net package was used for modelling. Regarding the parameters of the neural network model, the number of hidden neurons was set to 32, the number of input neurons was set to 32, the steepness of sigmoid curve (lambda) was 2, and the learning rate was set to 0.03, as optimal features. Using the neural network algorithm, both PUF responses are imitated with 100% training accuracy using 32,000 CRPs. This is an effective solution, which eliminates the need for storing CRPs in a database on the verifier side for authentication. Therefore, the Arbiter and TCO-PUFs were modelled for devices A and B, respectively, with a neural network. The PUF-FSM introduced in [78] generates reliable outputs called responses in a controlled manner. The PUF-FSM structure, which is a controlled strong PUF [78], includes a basic PUF, which could be an arbiter or TCO-PUF, an FSM (finite state machine). One assumption when building PUF-FSM is that PUF responses are obtained by the server (trusted entity) in a secured environment once during the preparation of the PUF model to generate the PUF statistical model, and then direct access to the PUF is destroyed, for example, by fusing a wire. The models were then kept on the server’s database, as described in the protocol description in Section 3.4.

5.4 Functional verification

A wireless network, which has a server and two clients, was constructed. First, the server successfully verified the respective identities of the two clients, and then the two clients agreed on a secret key using the proposed ASSURE protocol. In each case, this process was carried out ten times.

5.5 Metrics of evaluation

The experiment runs mainly in two phases: memory utilization and energy estimation.

Memory utilization

To measure the memory utilization of each implemented protocols, the ARM toolchain command “arm-none-eabi-size” was used [45]. This command gives a breakdown of the data used up both the RAM and flash memory. After the program code has been compiled and uploaded to the device, the ARM toolchain is then run on the terminal to determine the memory utilization.

Energy estimation

To measure the energy consumption of each component in the devices, an application called the energest module on the Contiki operating system was used. The energest module measures time by taking the readings of clock ticks, while the device is in the receive state, transmit state, processing (CPU) mode and low power mode. The processing time of each component in milliseconds (ms) is calculated by Formula (1):

$$ Processing\ time\ \left[ ms\right]=\frac{Energes{t}_{-} Value(ticks)\times 1000}{CLOCK_{-} SECOND} $$

In order to measure the energy consumption of these states, the following formula was used:

$$ E=\frac{Energes{t}_{-} Value\times Current\times Voltage}{CLOCK_{-} SECOND} $$

where the Energest_Value is read off the terminal directly while the program is running, where the voltage and current at different operating levels are obtained from Table 3. This experiment is conducted in order to measure how efficient the ASSURE protocol is on constrained devices. The results from the proposed ASSURE protocol are compared with the results of a DTLS-based protocol in the following section. For the PSK-DTLS protocol, the measurements are limited to the handshake phase, since it is the part which is concerned with device authentication.

Based on all of the above-mentioned metrics, the following section will evaluate the memory and energy-related cost of the implementation of the ASSURE protocol.

6 Evaluation and cost analysis

In this section, the PSK-DTLS, the ASSURE, and the UDP without security have been evaluated by measuring energy consumption and memory utilization in resource-constrained devices (i.e. the Zolertia Zoul re-mote). It must be noted that the experimental results presented for the client correspond to the measurements on device A.

6.1 Estimation of memory usage

From the experiment conducted in Section 5.2, the memory utilization of the ASSURE protocol was measured. The total RAM and ROM usage are presented in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Memory footprints for the three protocols

To ensure that there is a fair comparison with the PSK-DTLS protocol, the memory used by both protocols was measured on the same devices. The memory-related cost of the UDP protocol which did not provide security, on the same devices, was also measured to see the cost of the security layer provided by the ASSURE protocol. Table 4 represents the total ROM and RAM usage of the three protocols, along with the usage details of the memory sections, namely, bss, data and text.

Table 4 Memory utilization of their protocols on Zoul

As described in [45], the RAM usage in the system is the sum of the bss and data sections. The bss area includes dynamic variables, whereas the data area composes static variables. The ROM usage in the system is the sum of the text and data sections. The ROM includes other sections of the program, which are static during the run time of the program.

The results obtained from the ASSURE implementation reveals that on the client, 13,631 bytes and 56,002 bytes of RAM and ROM were used, respectively, which accounts for 42.3% of the total available RAM and 11.01% of the total available ROM. When comparing the aforementioned protocol with the PSK-DTLS implementation on the Zoul remote, it can be seen that the ASSURE protocol performs slightly better than the PSK-DTLS implementation, which itself used 65,654 bytes of ROM and 14,373 bytes of RAM memory. When the program is implemented without security on the client, the memory usage stood at 13,243 bytes and 50,501 bytes, respectively, which accounts for 40.41% of the available RAM and 9.63% of the available ROM.

6.2 Discussion of memory utilization results

The above results for memory utilization indicate that the overhead resulting from the use of the proposed protocol would not result in a massive strain on the resource-constrained device.

As shown in Table 5, the difference in RAM utilization when using security as compared with using the protocol without security stands at about 2%. When ROM utilization is examined, the difference was about 2%, which is not a large overhead to incur for security. The ASSURE protocol uses 9652 bytes less flash memory (ROM) than the PSK-DTLS handshake protocol in the resource-constrained device (Zoul).

Table 5 Percentages of memory utilization of three implementations

6.3 Estimation of completion time

Another evaluation metric for comparison is the completion time of the PSK-DTLS handshake and the proposed protocol process.

The processing time of each component is estimated in milliseconds by Formula (1) for the implementation of both the DTLS handshake implementation and the ASSURE protocol. Then the total completion time is estimated by summing the processing time of each component shown in Fig. 9. A total of ten measurements for both protocols were run. Figure 9 shows the average completion time over these measurements. Measurement results confirm that the PSK-DTLS handshake completion time is between 1.2 and 1.4 s on average and the ASSURE protocol’s completion time is less than 1 s on average. Another purpose of time measurements is to estimate the energy consumption of both protocols. As a result, the total energy consumption is estimated according to Formula (3), which is detailed in the following section.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Average completion time of DTLS handshake and ASSURE for one authentication cycle

6.4 Estimation of energy consumption

A linear method is used when measuring online energy consumption for the devices is involved in the experimental setup mentioned in Section 5.2. The total energy consumption of all components is expressed as E. The formula for E is

$$ E=\left({I}_{\mathrm{m}}{t}_{\mathrm{m}}+{I}_{\mathrm{l}}{t}_{\mathrm{l}}+{I}_{\mathrm{t}}{t}_{\mathrm{t}}+{I}_{\mathrm{r}}{t}_{\mathrm{r}}\right)\times V $$

This formula has the following variables: V stands for supply voltage; Im for the current draw of the microprocessor during operation; tm for the operation time of the microprocessor; Il and tl for the current draw and time in low power mode; It and tt for current draw and communication time in transfer mode, i.e. Tx; and Ir and tr for the current draw and communication time in receive mode, i.e. Rx.

In order to evaluate the energy consumptions of the DTLS and the proposed ASSURE, each protocol was carried out ten times on the devices. Energy measurements were taken from each protocol cycle based on the power breakdown of the Zolertia Zoul node detailed in Table 3. Then, the average of the energy consumption results was obtained from these measurements. The energy estimation results show that when the experiment was conducted using the ASSURE protocol, the average energy consumed was 14.3 mJ (millijoule). Figure 10, which provides a graphical illustration of the results, shows that without security, the average energy stood at 5.6 mJ. When measuring the energy consumption of the PSK-DTLS handshake implementation, which is the equivalent of the authentication protocol, the average energy consumption was 23.6 mJ. This outcome can be gleaned from Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The average energy consumption estimates of three protocols on Zolertia Zoul device

From the energy consumption figure, it can be observed that the CPU mode and LPM mode of the device consumed very little energy, while the receive and transfer modes consumed the most energy. This is because the device is almost always on the listen and transfer modes while expecting connections. Optimization of the receive and transfer modes can also assist in saving energy. The LPM mode consumes negligible energy because such low power IoT devices considerably reduce the amount of energy consumption by using the power saving modes specified in [47].

As analysed in [48], the gate count and energy per CRP of the Arbiter PUF circuit are shown in Table 6. This table also shows the energy per CRP of the modelled PUF on the Zoul device. As can be seen from the table, the difference in energy consumption between Arbiter PUF and its model is a negligible quantity. In total energy consumption (14.320 mJ) per authentication cycle, the exact arbiter PUF circuit consumes 0.239 ∗ 128 = 30.592 pJ, while the modelled PUF consumes 0.235 ∗ 128 = 30.08 pJ. The additional cost of a PUF will reduce the energy gains over the DTLS protocol such as 0.512 pJ = 512 × 10−12 mJ which can be negligible. Consequently, the share of energy consumption of PUF in total energy consumption is a negligible quantity, since most of the energy is consumed when the device is in communication as can be seen in Fig. 10.

Table 6 Gate equivalent and energy consumption [48]

6.5 Discussion of energy consumption results

Based on the above results for energy consumption obtained from the experiment described in Section 5.2, it can be seen that the difference between the secure (ASSURE) and non-secure (UDP) implementation in terms of energy is 8.6 mJ and that the amount of energy used is considerably different when compared with that of the PSK-DTLS handshake. These results promise that the proposed ASSURE protocol can be an effective security mechanism for low powered devices (Table 7).

Table 7 Transaction time/energy consumption of ASSURE and PSK-DTLS (128-bit key)

One of the main reasons for the considerable difference in energy consumption can be attributed to the fact that the proposed protocol consists of four flights, while the authentication process in the DTLS is made up of a six-way handshake. This six-way handshake has been identified in [23] as one of the major consumers of resources in that protocol’s implementation. All the above evaluation results indicate that the PSK-based DTLS is expensive for energy-constrained devices, whereas the ASSURE protocol requires a less amount of memory than the PSK-DTLS and that it consumes much less energy as well.

7 Conclusion

This work has been carried out to design a lightweight authentication and peer-to-peer key agreement protocol that would consume both less memory and energy. One of the main points of this paper was to compare the ASSURE protocol with the pre-shared key-based DTLS (datagram transport layer security) handshake and UDP (user datagram protocol), with respect to memory utilization and energy consumption in the resource-constrained environment. In order to develop a secure and cost-effective solution, both physically unclonable function and light cipher that constitutes the main ideas behind the ASSURE method were used.

In the experimental setup for checking the functionality of the ASSURE protocol and estimating its memory utilization and energy consumption, a client and server application has been created and loaded into Zolertia Zoul re-mote devices. Through the client and server applications, the devices can interact with each other based on three protocols. Regarding their evaluation, the ARM GCC toolchain (arm-none-eabi) application has been used to determine memory usage, and the energest application has been used to monitor energy consumption. According to this evaluation, the ASSURE protocol has used less memory and consumed less energy for resource-constrained devices than the DTLS handshake implementation. This paper also describes the security analysis of the proposed protocol against a range of attacks and makes a comparison with other PUF-based protocols. The analysis showed that ASSURE provides mutual authentication and is resistant to MitM, eavesdropping, replay, server and client impersonation, desynchronisation, and model building attacks.