1 Erratum to: Drug Saf (2015) DOI 10.1007/s40264-015-0297-5

An error was subsequently identified in the article, and the following correction should be noted:

Figures 2 and 3 : The X-axis label in both figures was missing. The corrected figures should read:

Fig. 2
figure 1

Summary of High Dimensional Propensity Score based analytic procedure results: fixed risk period (30 days starting from index date). AMI acute myocardial infarction, GI gastrointestinal, OMOP Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership

Fig. 3
figure 2

Summary of High Dimensional Propensity Score based analytic procedure results: variable risk period (drug exposure time plus 30 days). AMI acute myocardial infarction, GI gastrointestinal, OMOP Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership