Erratum to: Transgenic Res DOI 10.1007/s11248-010-9400-y

Due to an unfortunate mistake, the incorrect figure caption of Fig. 3 has been used in the above-mentioned publication. The correct representation of Fig. 3 and its caption are published on the following page and should be treated as definitive by the reader.

Fig. 3
figure 1

Activity of the Wsi18 promoter in different tissues and growth stages of transgenic rice plants (line 2 shown in Fig. 2b). a GFP fluorescence in transgenic calli. GFP fluorescence was detected in calli exposed to drought, NaCl (400 mM), and ABA (100 lM) for the indicated time points using a luminescent-image analyzer. NT non-transgenic calli, OsCc1 calli induced from the OsCc1::GFP transgenic seeds (Jang et al. 2002), Wsi18 calli induced from the Wsi18::GFP transgenic seeds. Bar = 1 mm. b Confocal microscopic images of GFP fluorescence in leaf and root tissues of transgenic plants. GFP fluorescence was detected in a leaf, a root apex, and a elongating region of a root of the Wsi18::GFP and OsCc1::GFP plants before (normal) and after exposure to drought, NaCl (400 mM), and ABA (100 lM) for 2–6 h. The images collected in the green and i channels of the confocal microscope were merged. Bars = 1 mm. S stomata. c GFP fluorescence in whole bodies of the Wsi18::GFP and OsCc1::GFP plants. GFP fluorescence was detected in 6-day-old etiolated plants exposed to drought, NaCl (400 mM), and ABA (100 lM) for the indicated time points using a luminescent-image analyzer. Bar = 1 cm. d GFP fluorescence in transgenic flowers. GFP fluorescence was detected, by use of a stereomicroscope, in a whole spikelet (left panel) and floral organs inside a spikelet (right panel) at the stage of meiosis before (Normal) and after drought treatment. For drought treatment, water was withheld from plants in pots, in a greenhouse, for three days. An, anther; F, filament; Lm, lemma; Lo, lodicule; P, palea. Bars = 1 mm