Erratum to: Environ Biol Fish


The original version of this article was revised to standardize units of measurement. The changes are underlined as follows:

1. 9th sentence under Abstract

Catch rates varied between River Nile (1.92 ± 0.59 Kg boat -1 day -1) and the rest of the systems, 6.20 ± 1.86 and 6.85 ± 1.49 Kg boat -1 day -1 in Lake Edward and Kazinga channel respectively.

2. 11th sentence under Abstract

Dissolved oxygen was below the minimum of 5 mgl -1 required for the physiology of freshwater fish.

3. 12th sentence under Abstract

Conductivity was highest in Lake Edward (312 μS cm -1), followed by Kazinga channel and least in River Nile.

4. 5th sentence, paragraph 2 under Introduction

Catch rates in the Lakes Victoria and Edward basins reduced to the lowest levels of 0.5 to 0.2 kgh -1 (Bekkevold et al. 2005; Chande and Mhitu 2005; Ntakimazi 2006) in the 1970s, and further declined to 0.06 kgh -1 in Lake Victoria (Chande and Mhitu 2005).

5. 1st sentence, paragraph 2 under Water quality data collection

Dissolved oxygen (mgl -1), water temperature (°C), electrical conductivity (μS cm−1) and pH were determined using Yellow Spring Instrument (YSI, model 556) at mid-water and between 07:00 h to 08:30 h to generate monthly average water quality observations for each population.

6. 5th sentence, paragraph 4 under Extinction upstream Owen falls dam and variation in Condition between populations section

Whereas dissolved oxygen levelcpss in River Nile was higher than in Lake Edward and Kazinga channel, the concentration recorded is still lower than the usual recommended minimum of ≥5 mgl -1. Boyd (1998) provides water quality benchmarks for fresh water fishes within the range of 5–15 mgl -1.

7. 7th sentence, paragraph 4 under Extinction upstream Owen falls dam and variation in Condition between populations section

Elsewhere, 8.7 mgl−1 (Abowei 2010); Arumlampalam et al. (1998), documented dissolved oxygen levels of 5.54–7.98 mgl -1 in fresh water fisheries of the upper Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia respectively.

The original article was corrected.