Erratum to: Breast Cancer Res Treat DOI 10.1007/s10549-014-2923-9

Unfortunately, in the original publication of the article, a statement in the third paragraph of the discussion section has been published with an error.

The statement in the discussion currently reads: However, neutropenia did not appear to substantially influence efficacy outcomes; among subjects with or without neutropenia grade 3 or lower (n = 28 in each group), the ORR was 8/28 in each group and median PFS was 208 days (with) compared with 203 days (without).

The correct statement is: However, neutropenia did not appear to substantially influence efficacy outcomes; among subjects with or without neutropenia grade 3/4 (n = 28 in each group), the ORR was 8/28 in each group and median PFS was 208 days (with) compared with 203 days (without).