Erratum to: Surg Endosc (2012) 26:2353–2359 DOI 10.1007/s00464-012-2188-5

  • On page 2353 in the abstract the sentence “The overall regional standardized appendectomy rate was 82.9/10,000.” should be changed to “The overall regional standardized appendectomy rate was 91.12/100,000.”

  • On page 2354 in the results the sentence “The overall crude rate of hospitalization for appendectomy was 90.9/10,000.” should be changed to “The overall crude rate of hospitalization for appendectomy was 90.9/100,000.”

  • On page 2355 in the results the sentence “Table 3 shows a significant linear declining trend in the rate of appendectomy procedures from 2000 to 2008 (χ2 test for trend: 261.920; P = 0.000), with a rate of 80.6/10,000 in the last year.” should be changed to “Table 3 shows a significant linear declining trend in the rate of appendectomy procedures from 2000 to 2008 (χ2 test for trend: 261.920; P = 0.000), with a rate of 80.6/100,000 in the last year.”