Correction to: Skeletal Radiology (2020) 49:1333–1344

In the original manuscript, this reads:

“Pulley instability can be diagnosed arthroscopically by the “ramp test,” where a probe is placed on the LHB and pressure is applied. An intact sling will hold the LHB in place and at most allow the tendon to form a small U shape (Fig. 11). However, when the sling is torn, the LHB tendon can sink into the joint with applied pressure, making a V shape (Fig. 12) [26].”

This should read:

“Pulley instability can be diagnosed arthroscopically by the “ramp test,” where a probe is placed on the LHB and pressure is applied. An intact sling will hold the LHB in place and at most allow the tendon to form a V shape (Fig. 11). However, when the sling is torn, the LHB tendon can sink into the joint with applied pressure, making a U shape (Fig. 12) [26].”