Erratum to: Psychopharmacology

Table 2 Areas showing significant activation during the Wheel of Fortune task

DOI 10.1007/s00213-011-2404-3

Due to a conversion error, the number of voxels necessary for cluster correction was miscalculated and should have been k = 313 instead of k = 53 voxels as reported. We have updated the results table (see below) to now indicate which clusters remain significant at the correct cluster-corrected threshold (p < .01; k = 313; cluster-corrected to p < .05) and which are significant at uncorrected thresholds of p < .001, k = 10 and p < .005, k = 10. The only previously reported clusters not significant at any of these thresholds are bilateral paracingulate cortices during the Selection Phase only. References to bilateral paracingulate activation during the selection phase in the Results, Discussion and Figure 3 can be disregarded.

An updated interpretation of our results, focused primarily on activations that survived cluster correction, suggests that smoking abstinence increases BOLD response during the selection phase of the WoF task in somatosensory (post central gyrus, rolandic operculum), visual (lingual gyrus), and insular cortices. Abstinence also increases BOLD response during the anticipation phase of the task in right frontal pole, potentially reflecting the monitoring of reward values during decision making.

While other activations do not survive cluster correction, their inclusion, particularly in the context of a preliminary/exploratory study, still add meaningful information to the literature. Many of the regions in which smoking condition differences were observed at the uncorrected thresholds are regions which have been previously implicated in decision making and in research using the Wheel of Fortune task (e.g., precuneus, insula, putamen). We regret any confusion associated with this correction and, as with all preliminary studies, look forward to future replication of these findings.