1 Correction to: Journal of Geodesy https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-018-1146-y

On pages 1, 2 and 11, “bernese GNSS software” should be replaced by “Bernese GNSS Software”.

In Fig. 8(c), the label (c) is missing at the upper-left corner.

Figure 8(e) was wrongly selected and should be replaced by the new Figure 8(e) as shown below.

In Fig. 9(a), the label (a) is missing at the upper-left corner.

In Fig. 9(e), the x-axis is incomplete, i.e. “Time [epochs]” should be extended to “Time [epochs of 100 s]” to be consistent with the other subfigures. The attached version of Fig. 9(e) has the corrected x-axis.

Fig. 8
figure 1

Benefit in precision of multi-cluster estimation of satellite position corrections, satellite clock offsets and phase biases with float ambiguities. Each colour represents a different satellite. a Single-cluster satellite position corrections. b Multi-cluster satellite position corrections. c Single-cluster satellite clock offsets. d Multi-cluster satellite clock offsets. e Single-cluster satellite phase biases. f Multi-cluster satellite phase biases

Fig. 9
figure 2

Benefit in precision of multi-cluster estimation of satellite position corrections, satellite clock offsets and phase biases with fixed ambiguities. Each colour represents a different satellite. a Single-cluster satellite position corrections. b Multi-cluster satellite position corrections. c Single-cluster satellite clock offsets. d Multi-cluster satellite clock offsets. e Single-cluster satellite phase biases. f Multi-cluster satellite phase biases