Erratum to: Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2015) 12:191–195

DOI 10.1007/s11904-015-0270-z

We regret that the original version of this article contained mistakes. First, our reference 1 reflects CAPRISA HIV incidence data largely on non-pregnant women. The reference that reports on pregnant women in rural KwaZulu-Natal is: MacQueen KM, Karim QA. Practice brief: adolescents and HIV clinical trials: ethics, culture, and context. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 2007;18(2):78–82.

Second, the data in Table 1 in our paper are from Vulindlela, a hyperendemic zone of South Africa, and must not be construed to represent southern Africa as a whole. These data are in provenance of the CAPRISA investigators, Drs. Ayesha Kharsany and Quarraisha Abdool Karim. Drs. Kharsany and Abdool Karim have shared with me public sector data that make the point of Table 1 in the manuscript much more effectively, since they represent South Africa as a whole and are therefore better representative of the magnitude of the southern African epidemic:

Table 1 National antenatal seroprevalence data from South Africa by age of woman and year of sample

The table was kindly crafted by Drs. Ayesha Kharsany and Quarraisha Abdool Karim.