We are excited to present to you a topical collection of articles on graphene in analytical science. Since the reintroduction of graphene to the scientific community in 2004, it took only a few years before graphene-related analytical applications appeared (Fig. 1). A few years later, in 2010, when the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to the scientists who had characterized graphene only 6 years before, the analytical utility of graphene was already well established.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Graphene-related materials have found applications in analytical chemistry, such as in separations, spectroscopy, and electroanalysis

We felt that it would be timely to organize a topical collection on the applications of graphene in the analytical sciences containing high-profile articles from leading groups in the field presented in one volume. This issue should provide readers with a general perspective and a snapshot of the latest cutting-edge research in the field. We are proud to have a collection of very high quality articles which include the use of graphene in mainstream analytical methods.

We thank the editors of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry for their support of this work.

We hope you will enjoy this special issue!