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Paulo Freire


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Works by Paulo Freire and others

  • Freire, P. 1958. A educação de adultos e as populações marginais: o problema dos mocambos [Education for Adults and Marginal Population Groups: The Problem of the Shanty Towns].Revista brasileira de estudos pedagógicos (Rio de Janeiro, INEP-MEC), Vol. 30, No. 71, pp. 81–93.

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  • Freire, P. 1959.Educacão e atualidade brasileira (Tese de Concurso para a Cadeira de Historia e Filosofia da Educação na Escola de Belas Artes de Pernambuco) [Education and the Brazilian Situation (Thesis for Appointment to the Chair of History and Philosophy of Education in the Pernambuco School of Fine Arts)]. Recife. (Unpublished thesis.)

  • — 1961a. Escola primária para o Brasil [Primary School for Brazil].Revista brasileira de estudos pedagógicos (Rio de Janeiro, INEP-MEC), Vol. 35, No. 82, pp. 15–33.

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  • — 1961b.A propósito de uma administração [Concerning an Administration]. Recife, Imprensa UR.

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  • Freire, P. 1962. Extensão cultural [Cultural Extension].Boletim do SEC/UR (Recife), No. 2.

  • Freire, P. 1963a. Conscientização e alfabetização [Conscientization and Literacy].Estudos universitários (Recife) No. 4, April–June.

  • Freire, P. 1963b. Palestra de encerramento de 26.05.1963, ‘Transito’, 2o-Curso de Treinamento de Monitores (pela equipe do SEC/UR) [Closing Speech of 26 May 1963, ‘Transito’, Second Training Course for Trainers]. SECERN, pp. 1–8. Archives Gerhardt (Mimeo.)

  • — 1965.Educação como práctica da liberdadae [Education as the Practice of Freedom]. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra.

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  • — 1968a.Acción cultural para la libertad [Cultural Action for Freedom]. Santiago de Chile, ICIRA.

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  • Freire, P. 1968b. L'éducation-praxis de la liberté (Synthèse) [Education as the Practice of Freedom].Cahiers internationaux de sociologie de la coopération (Paris), May/June.

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  • Freire, P. 1969a. The Cultural Action Process: An Introduction to its Understanding. (Texts discussed in a seminar at the Center for Studies in Development and Social Change, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.)

  • — 1969b.Extensión o communicación? La concientización en el medio rural [Extension or Communication? Conscientization in Rural Areas]. Santiago de Chile., ICIRA.

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  • Freire, P. 1969c. La méthode d'alphabétisation des adultes [Adult Literacy Method].Communautés (Paris). (Prepared by CIDOC, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Document 69/191.)

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  • — 1970a.Cultural Action for Freedom. Cambridge, Mass., Center for the Study of Development and Social Change.

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  • — 1970b. Education for Awareness, A Talk with Paulo Freire.Risk (Geneva, World Council of Churches), Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 9–12.

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  • — 1970d.Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York, Herder & Herder.

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  • Freire, P. 1970e. Politische Alphabetisierung [Political Literacy Campaign].Lutherische Monatshefte (Hanover), November.

  • — 1970f.The ‘Real’ Meaning of Cultural Action. Cuernavaca, CIDOC. (Document 70/216.)

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  • — 1971a.Extensão ou communicação? [Extension or Communication?]. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra. (Portuguese edition of Freire, 1969b).

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  • Freire, P. 1971b. J. E. Holland's Interview with Paulo Freire. In: C. Jerez and J. H. Pico (eds.),Estudios centro-americanos: Paulo Freire y la educación [Central American Studies: Paulo Freire and Education] (San Salvador), Vol. 26, No. 247/5, pp. 489–500.

  • — 1973.Conscientization and Liberation: A Conversation. Geneva, Institute for Cultural Action. (Document, 1.)

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  • — 1974a.Educación para el cambio social [Education for Social Change]. Buenos Aires, Tierra Nueva.

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  • — 1974b.Education: The Practice of Freedom. London, Writers and Readers Co-operative. (Also published in the United Kingdom as:Education for Critical Consciousness. London, Sheed & Ward, 1974. English edition of Freire, 1965.)

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  • — 1974c.Pädagogik der Solidarität (1968) [A Pedagogy of Solidarity]. Wuppertal, Kreuz.

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  • — 1975.La conscientización desmitificada por Freire [Conscientization Demystified by Freire], pp. 164–66. Caracas, SIC-Centro Cumilla. (Document, No. 38.)

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  • — 1976.Acção cultural para a liberdade e outros escritos [Cultural Action for Freedom and Other Writings]. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra.

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  • — 1977a.Cartas a Guiné-Bissau. Registros de uma experiencia em processo. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra.

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  • Freire, P. 1977b. Guinea Bissau: Record of an Ongoing Experience.Convergence (Toronto, International Council for Adult Education), Vol. 10, No. 4, (English translation of Freire, 1977a).

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  • — 1979b. Educação para o despertar de la conscienca: conversa com Paulo Freire [Education for Consciousness Rasing: Conversations with Paulo Freire]. In: C. A. Torres (ed.),Diálogo com Paulo Freire [Dialogue with Paulo Freire], pp. 29–39. São Paulo, Edições Loyola.

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  • — 1979d. Terceiro Mundo e teologia: carta a um jovem teólogo [The Third World and Theology: Letter to a Young Theologistx]. In: C. A. Torres (ed.),Consciencia e história: práxis educativa de Paulo Freire [Conscience and History: Paulo Freire's Educational Practice]. São Paulo, Edicões Loyola.

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  • — 1980a. La conciencia demistificada [Conscience Demystified]. In: C. A. Torres (ed.),Paulo Freire: educación y concientización [Paulo Freire: Education and Conscientization], pp. 43–49, Salamanca, Ediciones Sigüeme.

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  • — 1980b. Demistificación de la concientización [Demystifying Conscientization]. In: C. A. Torres (ed.),Paulo Freire: educación y concientización [Paulo Freire: Education and Conscientization], pp. 60–72. Salamanca, Ediciones Sigüeme.

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  • — 1980c. Exílio e identidade: a trajetória de dez anos do IDAC [Exile and Identity: An Itinerary of Ten Years in IDAC]. In: P. Freire et al. (eds.),Vivendo e aprendendo: experiencias do IDAC em educação popular [Living and Learning: IDAC Experiences in Popular Education], pp. 9–14. São Paulo, Brasiliense.

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  • — 1980d. Quatro cartas aos animadores de círculos de cultura de São Tomé e Príncipe [Four Letters of Cultural Circle Leaders in Sao Tome and Principe. In: C. R. Brandão (ed.),A questão política da educação popular [The Political Question of Popular Education], pp. 136–95. São Paulo, Brasiliense.

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  • — 1981a. Criando métodos de pesquisas e alternativas: aprendendo a fazer melhor através da ação [Developing Research Methods and Alternatives: Learning to Do Better through Action]. In: C. R. Brandão (ed.),Pesquisa participante [Participatory Research]. São Paulo, Brasiliense.

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  • — 1981d.Der Lehrer ist Politiker und Künstler [Teachers as Politicians and Artists]. Reinbeck, Rowohlt.

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  • — 1982b.A importãncia do ato de ler (em trés artigos que se completam) [The Importance of the Act of Reading (in Three Complementary Articles)]. São Paulo, Cortez/ Autores Associados.

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  • Freire, P. 1983. Conscientização e alfabetizacão: uma nova visão do processo [Conscientization and Literacy: A New Vision of the Proceor]. In: O. Fávero (ed.),Cultura popular e educação popular: memória dos anos 60 [Popular Culture and Education: Recollections of the 1960s]. Rio de Janeiro.

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  • Freire, P. 1985c. Caminhos de Paulo Freire. Entrevisita a J. Chasin et al. [Approaches of Paulo Freire. Interview with J. Chasin et al.].Ensaio: revista da UFPb (João Pessoa Brazil), No. 14.

  • Freire, P. 1987a. A alfabetização como elemento de formação da cidadania [Literacy as an Element in Citizenship Training]. Brasilia. (Mimeo.)

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  • Freire, P. 1991c. Die sozialen Bewegungen werden weiterarbeiten. Ein Gespräch mit Paulo Freire in Köln am 29.09.1990 [Social Movements are on the Move. A Talk with Paulo Freire]. (Cf. Dabisch and Schulze, 1991, pp. 30–33.)

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  • Freire, P.; Gadotti, M.; Guimarães, S. 1986.Pedagogia: diálogo e conflicto [Pedagogy: Dialogue and Conflict]. São Paulo, Cortez.

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  • Freire, P.; Illich, I.; Furter, P. 1974.Educación para el cambio social [Education for Social Change]. Buenos Aires, Busqueda.

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  • Freire, P.; Illich, I. 1975.Diálogo: desescolarización, estruturas, liberaciones, educación [Dialogue: Deschooling, Structures, Liberations and Education]. Buenos Aires, Busqueda-Celadec.

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  • Freire, P.; Macedo, D. 1987.Literacy: Reading the Word and the World. South Hadley, Mass., Bergin & Garvey.

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  • Freire, P.; Nogueira, A.; Mazza, D. 1986.Fazer escola conhecendo a vida [Schooling with Knowledge of Life]. Campinas, Brazil, Papirus.

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  • Freire, P.; Shor, I. 1987.Medo e ousadia: o cotidinao do professor [Fear and Boldness: The Teacher's Daily Lot]. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra.

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Works on Paulo Freire

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  • Assmann, H. 1980.Nicarágua triunfa en la alfabetización [Nicaragua Wins the Literacy Battle]. Costa Rica, DEI.

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  • Cunha, R. A. 1975.Pädagogik als Theologie. Paulo Freires pädagogisches Konzept als Ansatz für eine systematische Glaubensreflexion lateinamerikanischer Christen [Pedagogy as Theology. Paulo Freire's Educational Concept as a Starting Point for a Systematic Reflexion on Belief among Latin American Christians]. (Theological dissertation, University of Münster.)

  • Dabisch, J.; Schulze, H. 1991.Befreiung und Menschlichkeit. Texte zu Paulo Freire [Liberation and Humanity. Essay on Paulo Freire]. Munich, SPAK.

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Gerbardt, HP. Paulo Freire. Prospects 23, 439–458 (1993).

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